I'm more addicted to CD-DVD Speed 3.80 quality test @8X on my BenQ 1620.
Plextools are not my cup of tea.
By the way, Plextor 740 = BenQ 1640 with limited firmware (no CD-DVD Speed support, limited QSuite support, etc.).
A new Plextor 740 as been flashed to BenQ 1640 by "YSS" :
koba wrote : YSS got his first review of the PX-740 up.
Just to summarize:
1) No bitsetting, Spead Read or Autostrategy etc setting. Only setting is DMA
and BurnProof setting with Plextools.
2) No Quality Check with Plextools
3) No Quality Checking with DVDINFOPro 4.15
4) No quality Checking in Nero CD-DVD Speed 3.80
5) Only Booktype setting in QSuite 1.0
6) Booktype and speed setting in SetSpeed (Plextor tool delivered with drive)
7) No Booktype setting in nero
8) Flashable to BENQ DW1640 with WinDWFlash.exe and BSHB.CVT
By Flashing to Benq CDDVDSPEED DVDINFOPRO and QSuite fully functional
9) No way of flashing back to PX-740 at the moment (Original Firmware of
drive cant be saved with BENQCVT.EXE)