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RE: ASUS A8N-SLI Premium? anyone heard of this?   Logged in as: Guest
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RE: ASUS A8N-SLI Premium? anyone heard of this? - 6/7/2005 9:28:01 AM   

Posts: 1493
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the differences of A8N-SLI and A8N-SLI deluxe is only the extra LAN, 4 more SATA and the extra firewire???

There are some BIOS related differences too.  Not sure what you are asking/looking for...  This thread started out about the A8N-SLI Premium.  I thought you had the Deluxe board...

(in reply to eleajar)
Post #: 17
RE: ASUS A8N-SLI Premium? anyone heard of this? - 6/7/2005 11:13:18 AM   

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sorry for the "off topic"

I had the Deluxe mobo, but since its damaged ( i am trying to get something else, cause i can't wait for the RMA... that's why i was asking all these annoying questions


Please, excuse my english. I am Italian

(in reply to SithTracy)
Post #: 18
RE: ASUS A8N-SLI Premium? anyone heard of this? - 6/7/2005 11:33:48 AM   

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Actually, in the latest BIOS, it shows overclocking in increments of 5, 10, 20, 30 percent.  I have tried the 30 but it wouldn't boot, it has a failsafe BIOS and returns to the previous setting if it fails to boot, but mine runs fine 20% overclocked.


LG GSA H22L Firm 1.02
Samsung SH-203N Firm SB01
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Post #: 19
RE: ASUS A8N-SLI Premium? anyone heard of this? - 6/27/2005 5:24:39 PM   

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Finally, I got the A8N-SLI Premium...

The "fanless" concept look pretty good, and practical, since there are many that had problems with the stock nForce cooler... The mobo heats up pretty quick at 45C... Is this normal??? (it doesn't heat more than this, even under load)...

And one more to go... The SLI bridge is needed now that the selector card is gone???


Please, excuse my english. I am Italian

(in reply to MP3Mogul)
Post #: 20
RE: ASUS A8N-SLI Premium? anyone heard of this? - 6/27/2005 6:54:24 PM   

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Mine motherboard is about 35c most of the time, and varies about 2 or 3 degrees at the most under a full load.  If you see "no" variance, you could have a sensor bad perhaps?  I am not sure, but mine varies, and usually runs 35c most of the time, it has never got as hot as you mention above.


LG GSA H22L Firm 1.02
Samsung SH-203N Firm SB01
LiteOn SOHD-16P9S Firm FS0D

(in reply to eleajar)
Post #: 21
RE: ASUS A8N-SLI Premium? anyone heard of this? - 6/28/2005 1:44:44 AM   

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i see some variance.... mine varies from 43c to 47c.... and the CPU follows this temperature...

When i power up tha PC, and the system is still cool enough, it starts from 31c, and after 5 minutes it rises at 43~45c...

I think i don't have a bad sensor... i think it's just the high room temperature... I got almost 35c room temperature, so i think it's possible to have 43~45c when the PC case is closed...

Anyway, in general, the mobo is great, and it offers what it promises!!!


Please, excuse my english. I am Italian

(in reply to MP3Mogul)
Post #: 22
RE: ASUS A8N-SLI Premium? anyone heard of this? - 6/28/2005 6:13:54 AM   

Posts: 5448
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Okay, I went back and reread your post about the temp.  Yes, your room temperature can have an effect.  As long as it's not getting hotter than this, it is acceptable.


LG GSA H22L Firm 1.02
Samsung SH-203N Firm SB01
LiteOn SOHD-16P9S Firm FS0D

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Post #: 23
RE: ASUS A8N-SLI Premium? anyone heard of this? - 6/30/2005 6:55:27 PM   


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And this is the memory you should invest in:

Need a little help here.
I am in the process of building up 3 identicle gaming machines all based on the new Asus A8N-SLI Premium.
Came across this thread and saw the comments on the above listed memory.

Followed the link and am not "Certain" as to which module your suggesting.

The link shows..
Model Name : F1-3200DSU2-512LE / F1-3200DSU2-1GBLE
Overview :
PC4400(DDR550) 2.5-3-3-7
PC3200 2-2-2-5 (Dual channel)
The motherboard wants PC3200 2-2-2-5 (Dual channel),  Correct?
If so, then is this the memory your suggesting...
I would like to see the +20% OC on the new FX-57 CPU and want to make sure I am getting the best memory to achieve this goal.
Many Thanks...

(in reply to SithTracy)
Post #: 24
RE: ASUS A8N-SLI Premium? anyone heard of this? - 6/30/2005 7:16:57 PM   


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Looking a little bit closer, that must be the wrong chip, as it is not TCCD.
But I don't see the 2-2-2-5 in a TCCD flavor ??

I did find this one with timing of  2.5-4-4-8 2T

G.SKILL 1GB (2 x 512MB) 184-Pin DDR SDRAM Unbuffered DDR 400 (PC 3200) Samsung TCCD Dual Channel Kit System Memory - Retail

  • Model #: F1-3200DSU2-1GBLA

  • (in reply to abysmal)
    Post #: 25
    RE: ASUS A8N-SLI Premium? anyone heard of this? - 7/8/2005 7:31:11 AM   

    Posts: 228
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    From: Cardiff / Wales
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    Since there are a lot of questions about the ASUS A8N-SLI Premium motherboard, CDRinfo team requested a test sample from ASUS, and ASUS replied

    We will test this motherboard, and the review will soon be online, answering any remaining questions!

    Attachment (1)

    < Message edited by kogos -- 7/8/2005 7:32:24 AM >

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    Post #: 26
    RE: ASUS A8N-SLI Premium? anyone heard of this? - 7/8/2005 11:12:02 AM   


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    Can't ask for more than that!

    (in reply to kogos)
    Post #: 27
    RE: ASUS A8N-SLI Premium? anyone heard of this? - 7/23/2005 12:29:57 PM   


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    got 2 new A8N-Sli-Premium motherboards from NewEgg last week.,

    Still trying to make heads or tails of the memory to put in them.

    This thread, and this whole forum sub-section seems to be pretty dead though.....

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    Post #: 28
    RE: ASUS A8N-SLI Premium? anyone heard of this? - 7/25/2005 3:20:45 AM   

    Posts: 111
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    i got OCZ platinum (2x512MB) and corsair XMS (2x512MB), and they are just great for me. I tried some mushkin and geil modules in the past, but the just can't overcome these OCZ and Corsair beauties!!!


    Please, excuse my english. I am Italian

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