Hello and Welcome to the forum
As first I would like to Congratulate you on building your 1st PC ! Really! Because many people in your years (not that I am saying you are old or something , cause we are all walking same path

), just dont know much more than to turn it on/off and maybe type few lines in some Word...and thats it...but when it comes to upgrading some component or maybe troubleshoot something, using command line...they all turn BLUE....
Look...dont worry...noone here is a pain in the process...(well maybe some spammers and other people with illegal intensions would be....but so far there arent many around and we all hope that it will stay this way even in the future). Let me say that we are here to help you all out with your "silly questions"...so again....dont worry about that...
Finally....since you said you look for info on HirensBootCD...here is the
LINK to section in our forum where it was (and still is) discussed. So you may post your questions/answers/ideas or anything in connection with it, there. And since you mentioned some message in notepad....why not post its content there, so others could help you out with their suggestions about what it means and what to do next...
Good Luck and hope to talk to you soon!