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MD90009 Scanner, Scanwizard will not open - 5/9/2005 3:59:24 PM   


Posts: 805
Joined: 1/2/2002
From: United Kingdom
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I'm collecting bugs!

This time, my new Tevion scanner, 3200x6400 dpi with transparency adapter included (rebranded Microtek 6000).

Windows was running it ok, but the Scanwizard application required for full control, just died after 2 seconds on the taskbar ... run it, it shows on the taskbar, then it vanishes.

Tried everything, uninstalled the printer, the camera, tried the Microtek 5.991 driver for the 6000 and the 5.92 driver for the Tevion.

Turned out to be some sort of conflict with the driver for the Medion 17" TFT monitor - rolled back to plug and play monitor and all was well.

Which leaves one question - the monitor driver, a problem there, or the Microtek application, just too damn fragile - does it react badly to anything other than a PnP monitor, as until tripping over a solution, I've been seeing a lot of forum and newsgroup trouble reports, and apart from the "mine's ok" that are typical of compatibility issues, no real solutions.

PS. I'm deliberately google-feeding this via forums I know to be well searched, as the "home" forum of English-speaking Medion users is currently non-guest due to capacity issues -
Post #: 1
RE: MD90009 Scanner, Scanwizard will not open - 5/10/2005 12:13:21 PM   

Posts: 7002
Joined: 4/28/2004
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rather strange bug, i assume you have already looked around the internet for updater drivers...this is a reason why i am not buying other scanner than HP, their drivers are included at XP so no problems at all

(in reply to Matthew)
Post #: 2
RE: MD90009 Scanner, Scanwizard will not open - 5/11/2005 4:35:49 PM   


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Even for the HP, you still need to run their software to access the full features.

The Windows side of the drivers worked fine, only Scanwizard 5 wouldn't open - just 2 seconds on the taskbar, no error, no display.

Crazy thing is, what's in a monitor driver?  Not much other than settings and an ICM colour profile, which may be where the problem lies, as on trying to examine the startup of Scanwizard5 using filemon, it did look like it was enumerating every ICM.
I wonder if there are many monitor drivers tha cause the same issue, as problems with Microtek Scanwizard seem to be common, though of course, you're unlikely to see unprompted postings that "mine worked great!".

PS. I searched, and Google broke all records for indexing this... hope it sorts out anyone else baffled by the same problem!

(in reply to emperor)
Post #: 3
RE: MD90009 Scanner, Scanwizard will not open - 5/12/2005 2:57:45 AM   

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so there isn't a real solution after all?

(in reply to Matthew)
Post #: 4
RE: MD90009 Scanner, Scanwizard will not open - 5/12/2005 5:36:15 PM   


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From: United Kingdom
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The only "solution" at least for the Medion MD8386 PC, Medion MD30217 LCD monitor and Tevion MD90009 scanner combination, is to leave the monitor as a "Plug & Play Monitor" and not load the monitor driver, or back it out if you have.

Not sure I'd really call it a solution, but it's certainly a workaround, the scanner works as it should.

Still don't know where the blame lies, since I've seen several reports of the same problem with the scanner (and it would be bad luck if they all had the same monitor), and also some reports of other software not working properly with the monitor driver.

Am I unusual in always trying to use the "named" monitor driver, even if it works ok in plug & play?
Reminds me, I must lay this back on Medion, even if it means hanging on to music at 10p/min for 20 minutes, as this should be something they can replicate easily, since it's ALL their kit (Tevion is Medion as well).

(in reply to emperor)
Post #: 5
RE: MD90009 Scanner, Scanwizard will not open - 5/15/2005 3:44:50 PM   

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(in reply to Matthew)
Post #: 6
RE: MD90009 Scanner, Scanwizard will not open - 5/15/2005 6:07:18 PM   


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From: United Kingdom
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And now Windowsupdate (if I choose to see optional updates) is offering me one for the moitor - now I wonder if the this one (which must be 100% WHQL'd) would work - though I may well resort to the old adage...

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

Main thing is I fear it may be harder to back out a driver installed by Windowsupdate, than one installed from the CD.

(in reply to emperor)
Post #: 7
RE: MD90009 Scanner, Scanwizard will not open - 5/17/2005 3:25:04 AM   

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try it and let us know

(in reply to Matthew)
Post #: 8
RE: MD90009 Scanner, Scanwizard will not open - 3/2/2012 2:03:34 PM   


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Good tip, removing the monitor driver in windows xp solved the scanwizard launch problem. I knew it was the monitor, a NEC accusync LCD71VM. I also tried everything possible. Same bug with Microtek S400 and Microtek V6USL scanners and many versions of Scanwizard and resolutions.

I figured it was the physical device and never thought of removing the monitor driver. It works fine with other screens, but not the NEC.

Thanks a lot, I was ready to dump the scanners.

(in reply to emperor)
Post #: 9
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