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RE: Badly Need Help for Packet Writing Steps   Logged in as: Guest
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RE: Badly Need Help for Packet Writing Steps - 7/28/2003 9:28:32 PM   


Posts: 224
Joined: 6/10/2003
From: Germany
Status: offline
>1) I dont close Track/Session After I return from Write.

Except if you are doing MRW or DVD+RW and wants to eject the media, no close track/session should be issue. But a sync cache to ensure the write buffer is flushed to the media have to be issue each time you want to switch from write to something else (eject but also read by example).

>2) I have give Sub Header 2 as 0.. should it be differnet fro Mode 2 form 1.

I have never used these sub headers, I have now knowledge of them.

>3) Approximately how much time a CDRW device takes to write 32* 2048 bytes?

Good question. Very hard to say. Of course it will depend from your recorder and media speed (1-4x, highspeed, ultraspeed, or even ultra speed +), the speed you've set (see set cd speed command (BBh) in mmc) but also if your write is continous to the previous one (else the laser will have to jump from one position of the media to another one) and if your write is the first ever write since the media was inserted.

During the development of InCD 4 I've seen devices taking up to 30 seconds to react to the first write command. Normal devices will take only a maximum of 5 seconds.

>Any other critical Write Paremeter that I may be ignoring?
>Please I need your suggestion so that I get out of this trouble?

Well, the best seems to be running a existing packet-writing application on the same disc and device and see what they do until the first write command. Here unfortunately, I fear that Windows is the OS where the most stable and advanced Packet Writing Softwares have been created.


David Burg
Software Development,
InCD Project Leader

Nero AG
Im Stoeckmaedle 18
76307 Karlsbad

fax: +49 (0)7248 928 299


(in reply to Shaziphil)
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