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RE: InCD 4010 - 6/20/2003 11:48:53 PM   


Posts: 224
Joined: 6/10/2003
From: Germany
Status: offline

What about re-installing your system if you want the default settings!

And about complaining that after 9 days a software is not updated, I have the impression you don't know much about software development, do you?

I will not even reply about the so-called "limited testing"...

> OK, if Ahead can't reproduce the problem, then we'll have to wait until more users complain.

But the problem is absolutely not about the number of people who complain, the problem is about having one single person who report the defect detailed enough so we can reproduce it.


David Burg
Software Development,
InCD Project Leader

Nero AG
Im Stoeckmaedle 18
76307 Karlsbad

fax: +49 (0)7248 928 299


(in reply to rblake)
Post #: 17
RE: InCD 4010 - 6/21/2003 1:11:06 AM   


Posts: 289
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From: Poland
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Frankly, I'm astonished by your attitude, and I'm not sure I'll continue this conversation, but let me answer your latest points.

>"What about re-installing your system if you want the default settings!"

My exchanges with Craig Campbell at CDRLabs

lead me to believe that at present there is no guarantee that InCD will uninstall cleanly via Add/Remove Programs or old versions of Nero/InCD Clean Tool. Unfortunately, inspite of Craig's repeated promises, new versions of Nero and InCD Clean Tools are still unavailable at Ahead's website. Thus I was expecting you to let us know when these versions will be available.

In this context, your message means that the only way of uninstalling InCD cleanly is to reinstall the OS. If this advice came from a user, I'd treat as a joke, but an InCD Project Manager must know what he is saying.

>"And about complaining that after 9 days a software is not updated, I have the impression you don't know much about software development, do you?"

I have no idea why you made this remark, since I didn't complain here about InCD not being updated. As for Nero/InCD Clean Tools, they have not been updated since Dec. 3, 2002 - is it 9 days?

Further, I don't know you well enough to assess how much you know about software development, but let's just say that I'm not impressed by what you have shown in this thread so far.

>"I will not even reply about the so-called "limited testing"..."

That's your choice. It's clear that Ahead's image will suffer if more of Ahead's employees disregard advices given in good spirit.

>"But the problem is absolutely not about the number of people who complain, the problem is about having one single person who report the defect detailed enough so we can reproduce it."

If you wanted to get more details from me or other users, you should have asked.

(in reply to rblake)
Post #: 18
RE: InCD 4010 - 6/21/2003 3:22:33 AM   


Posts: 224
Joined: 6/10/2003
From: Germany
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Ok, ok, now let's talk just 5 minutes seriously: do you just know what is the impact on your system when you change the Startup Type of the IMAPI service?

"Le chemin de l'enfer est pavé de bonnes intentions." (French motto)


David Burg
Software Development,
InCD Project Leader

Nero AG
Im Stoeckmaedle 18
76307 Karlsbad

fax: +49 (0)7248 928 299


(in reply to rblake)
Post #: 19
RE: InCD 4010 - 6/21/2003 3:57:46 AM   


Posts: 289
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From: Poland
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I've been serious all the time, and after 7 messages I have not learnt anything new from you. Hence I see no purpose in continuing our exchanges. Sorry, but I don't share your sense of humor.

If you think you have done a good PR job for Ahead, then think twice.

(in reply to rblake)
Post #: 20
RE: InCD 4010 - 6/23/2003 9:37:58 PM   

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From: Sunnyvale, CA (Unite
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I must apologize to everyone on this forum. DBurg is a very good Programer and very helpful in many ways, but needs a little more work on his people skills.

I'm sure he did not mean to come across as arrogant, or give the impression we do not care what others think.

The AutoPlay issue with InCD has been reported as a bug in our Nero Bug Tracking Database, and initial tests have shown that it is working, but that there could be problems with how MS AutoPlay functions. This will be and is being looked into more deeply, and we will test Automatic, Manual, and Disabled settings for IMAPI Settings, even if I have to test them myself.

If it turns out to be an MS issue, then Ahead will have to find a work around for this issue. As everyone knows, someone who purchases such a product expects this feature to work, and not expect or want to here a company pointing fingers and saying, 'It's their problem, not ours' as the response, even if it is.

And if other programs of a similar nature are working in this fashion, then we need to do whatever it takes to make our InCD 4 software do so as well.

And KCK, I did promise that the new Nero Clean Tool would be loaded last week, and it was supposed to be loaded. But there were two issues that came up. 1) We had too many Clean tools, one for InCD, one for Nero, one for Drivers, etc. And decided to combine them into one that did them all. 2) We had trouble with the FTP9 server. [V]

So I have been promised, again [B)], that we will have the new Clean Tool posted on our FTP9 server by tomorrow. This will be one Clean Tool that does it all, and it will properly clean InCD 4 completely from the system, among other things. It will be called ''

Sorry for the delay on that. We do try and keep our promises. And again, I am sorry for any offense taken by any of DBURG's responses. His intentions are good and communication problems can occur as he is working with a second language and may not be properly expressing himself.

Best Regards,


(in reply to rblake)
Post #: 21
RE: InCD 4010 - 6/24/2003 4:44:49 PM   

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Now THAT is customer service!

Thank you Craig.

(in reply to rblake)
Post #: 22
RE: InCD 4010 - 6/24/2003 9:59:23 PM   

Posts: 5448
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It's nice to have friends:

You can download the NEW nero cleaning tool here from me!


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(in reply to rblake)
Post #: 23
RE: InCD 4010 - 6/29/2003 8:05:24 AM   


Posts: 15
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Here's my bug for you dburg:

When I use InCD to format my cd-rw disc to cd-mrw (Mt. Rainier). Everything goes well when I copy all my files into the disc, but when upon ejecting the disc and re-inserting it back, it causes Windows XP to crash. Then it restarts my computer automatically without any warnings. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling InCD to no avail. I have no other packet writing softwares installed on my computer except for InCD. My drive is a Lite-On (LTR-4825W). So do you have a solution to this problem? Thanks.

(in reply to rblake)
Post #: 24
RE: InCD 4010 - 7/1/2003 9:43:21 AM   


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Just an update, InCD is out. And again it gives me the same bug that crashes and restarts my system upon re-insertion of a cd-mrw disc. I would really like to find out what's causing this problem, it's getting really annoying.

(in reply to rblake)
Post #: 25
RE: InCD 4010 - 7/1/2003 10:47:45 AM   


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Btw, on Ahead's help FAQ it states:

"The computer gets hung up every now and then:
If you have got inCD installed, then please check if you have got a computer witha VIA chipset. If this is the case: At the moment inCD does not yet support the Via Chipset."

Does that still apply to the current versions of InCD (, If so then that might answer my question since I have a VIA chipset motherboard.

(in reply to rblake)
Post #: 26
RE: InCD 4010 - 7/2/2003 6:42:47 PM   

Posts: 578
Joined: 10/6/2000
From: Sunnyvale, CA (Unite
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Originally posted by HeNry2kOoL

Btw, on Ahead's help FAQ it states:

"The computer gets hung up every now and then:
If you have got inCD installed, then please check if you have got a computer witha VIA chipset. If this is the case: At the moment inCD does not yet support the Via Chipset."

Does that still apply to the current versions of InCD (, If so then that might answer my question since I have a VIA chipset motherboard.

David is on Vacation all week, so he can not respond to your issues at this time.

Could you use Nero's InfoTool and save what information it finds on your system and send to me at, including details to your issue, so I can look over the data it provides and try to see what could possibly be conflicting with our InCD software?
And/or try and duplicate your system to see if I can duplicate your issue?




(in reply to rblake)
Post #: 27
RE: InCD 4010 - 7/3/2003 2:31:45 AM   


Posts: 289
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From: Poland
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Did you try to revert to the standard Windows IDE driver?


For InCD, the AutoPlay issue under XP is resolved by enabling Windows CD recording; for details, see

(in reply to rblake)
Post #: 28
RE: InCD 4010 - 7/3/2003 7:52:14 AM   


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Nope, how do I revert back to the standard Windows IDE driver? I currently have the latest VIA 4-in-1 drivers installed.

And I was wondering if everyone else has the same issue of getting corrupted files of the Easywrite Reader when inserting the disc into a non Mt. Rainier drive?


I'll be sure to run Nero's InfoTool once I get InCD re-installed again. Thanks for the response.

(in reply to rblake)
Post #: 29
RE: InCD 4010 - 7/3/2003 12:05:48 PM   


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KCK, I just uninstalled the VIA IDE Controller Driver and now InCD seems to be working flawlessly so far, except for the corrupted EasyWrite Reader files that still occurs when I format a new CD. But most important of all.. no more crashes! Thanks for the tip KCK!

(in reply to rblake)
Post #: 30
RE: InCD 4010 - 7/3/2003 12:18:23 PM   


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Alright n/m, seems that InCD has just crashed on me again upon insertion of the cd. I've tried about 4 times of ejecting and inserting the cd with writing files into the disc inbetween each time and it never crashed. Until i went to it try one more time just before I go to bed and it crashed. Looks like I don't know what the real cause of this is unless it's really my VIA chipset. [:(!]

(in reply to rblake)
Post #: 31
RE: InCD 4010 - 7/4/2003 12:55:22 PM   


Posts: 289
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From: Poland
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I would advise you to uninstall InCD via Add/Remove Programs, run the General CleanTool, and install InCD 3.52.40; see

If you have further problems, take a look at the InCD troubleshooting

and come back with more information as indicated in S18 in the guide. It might be better to start a new thread, since this one deals with
InCD 4.x.

(in reply to rblake)
Post #: 32
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