Did you guys see that ad for the
ABIT Class Action Lawsuit on Anandtech? Pretty interesting stuff.
There is not really any mention of what was affected by the defective capacitor, but my old ABIT BE6-II (Intel 440BX with HighPoint HPT366 ATA-66 controller) never worked with any hard drive above ATA-33. Couldn't even get Windows to install if I tried to use the controller. Trust me, I tried every trick in the book and compared notes with those who were in the same boat. Tried pretty much every single official BIOS as well as Beta ones with the latest HPT BIOS...pretty much tried every single driver version from known good ones to the latest from HPT.
Anyway, I do realize that this is old hardware, but fair is fair right? It was always one of those things that bugged me for a long time. Now I just need to get that board back from my cousin when the time comes...