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InCD Error message - 5/21/2003 1:24:28 PM   


Posts: 2
Joined: 5/21/2003
From: Bulgaria
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Can someone HELP ME

I have try to format blank cd-rw Memorex 700 mb with incd 3.5.24 and i recieve every time error code 0000-0000-0000-0000. I have NEC cd-rw NR-7700A with latest firmware, windows 98 SE.

Post #: 1
RE: InCD Error message - 5/21/2003 4:01:04 PM   


Posts: 289
Joined: 9/4/2002
From: Poland
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Welcome to the CDR-Info forum!

You should try several discs of different brands and manufacturers. Many users have complained about Memorex CD-RW media, so this is the most likely cause of your formatting difficulties. Second, your problems could also be due to other factors, such as conflicts between InCD and drivers installed by other burning programs.

If you continue to have problems with other media, take a look at the InCD troubleshooting guide

and come back with more information.

(in reply to kulesha)
Post #: 2
RE: InCD Error message - 5/21/2003 4:34:38 PM   


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From: Bulgaria
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Thank you for answer, but not help much:

I don`t have any drivers installed by other burning programs, and second I have unpack the Memorex cd it is absolutely new. After this I can trow this new cd-rw`s in rubbish isn`t it ??? I can`t use them even one time !?

Is this some bug with Incd or else???

(in reply to kulesha)
Post #: 3
RE: InCD Error message - 5/21/2003 6:22:05 PM   


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Here are some experiences with Memorex CD-RW media:

Ignoring InCD temporarily, you may check whether Nero works with your Memorex media. Create a couple of data or audio discs with Nero, and test their quality as suggested in S4 of the InCD guide. Burn each disc several times (after full-erasing). If the burn quality turns out to be unacceptable, you will have to switch to other media (in which case you could transfer your Memorex media to a friend who could test them on another burner).

Next, assuming that Nero works correctly with your Memorex media, we may return to InCD.

Here the basic question is: Have you ever been able to use InCD successfully on your box with this burner and other media? If yes, and no hardware or software changes occured in the meantime, it would make Memorex media the prime suspect. On the other hand, if this is your first experience with InCD on this box with the NEC burner, then both alternative media and other factors would have to be tested.

Please understand that InCD troubleshooting needs time; if you are not patient enough, just forget about InCD. Otherwise, you should supply necessary information as in S17 of the InCD guide, by answering querries Q1 through Q12 (if you don't understand something, just ask).

(in reply to kulesha)
Post #: 4
RE: InCD Error message - 5/25/2003 7:52:03 AM   


Posts: 21
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i got the same problem with latest incd as well
very temperamental
sometimes works sometimes no
using datastream media

use to work perfectly well with older version (but with small bug)
so plan to upgrade latest version
end up not really working

(in reply to kulesha)
Post #: 5
RE: InCD Error message - 5/25/2003 7:56:42 AM   


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any trouble free packet writing program that u can suggest?

(in reply to kulesha)
Post #: 6
RE: InCD Error message - 5/26/2003 7:11:49 AM   


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From: Poland
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Which older version were you using, and what was its small bug?

If this small bug wasn't essential, you might revert to the older version. If you don't have its installation program, tell us its version, and we may be able to find it. Right now, Ahead only has InCD 3.51.91

Other users have reported problems with Datastream CD-RW media; see, e.g., philamber's post in

Apparently all packet writing programs may present difficulties, but with InCD usually such difficulties can be resolved after some troubleshooting; see my former advices to kulesha above.

(in reply to kulesha)
Post #: 7
RE: InCD Error message - 5/26/2003 8:25:36 AM   


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forgotten what version actually
i think it's 3.1 (before dvd rw support)

the bug is even i didn't access to the media
th incd stated still working with the media (I.e transfering files)
so the cd can't be ejected until i shut down the pc
that's the only bug ...... and all works fine
no data lost b4

the version that make my data lost (the famous 3.37 ? )
and new version of 3.5.24

(in reply to kulesha)
Post #: 8
RE: InCD Error message - 5/26/2003 8:28:43 AM   


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thanks for recommendation

(in reply to kulesha)
Post #: 9
RE: InCD Error message - 5/26/2003 9:01:54 AM   


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From: Poland
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You can download InCD 3.31 from


which also contains 3.37 and 3.52.00b. All these version uninstall cleanly via Add/Remove Programs; hence there is little danger in switching back and forth between them for your experiments.

Apparently you were using 3.31 before the latest upgrade, so you may try it again.

However, I wouldn't say that the "bug" you described is a small one; if I had to shut down after each use of InCD, I would stop using InCD entirely! BTW, I never had such problems with InCD 3.31 on my 98SE and XP boxes. Thus your "bug" suggests that you might have conflicts between InCD and drivers installed by other programs, and hence you should go through the relevant steps of the InCD guide.

(in reply to kulesha)
Post #: 10
RE: InCD Error message - 5/26/2003 10:06:50 AM   


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read ur special guide b4....... really long and a bit scary to delete off something
as for this one Iomega.vxd , i'm using zip not sure it's related to the drive or not

thanks again for promtp reply and helps

(in reply to kulesha)
Post #: 11
RE: InCD Error message - 5/26/2003 5:44:24 PM   


Posts: 289
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From: Poland
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Only testing can show whether InCD is affected by the drivers for your Iomega Zip drive. Do you still have the installation disquette or CD for your Zip drive? If yes, you could uninstall the Zip drive software via Add/Remove Programs (since you would be able to reinstall it after testing InCD).

As for Iomega.vxd, just rename it to Iomega.vx_; then your Zip drive may stop functioning, but after testing InCD you will be able to rename it back to Iomega.vxd.

Note, however, that you should first get a couple of good CD-RW discs. Otherwise, your problems could be due to just Datastream media, and you will be loosing time on testing the Zip drive aspect, etc.

(in reply to kulesha)
Post #: 12
RE: InCD Error message - 5/26/2003 6:22:03 PM   


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true....... thanks

never install any iomega driver b4 .......
just plug in and use.......
if i can reinstall it again , obviously i dare to try to delete the file
but it's another story
i bought the drive without driver come with it

anyway, will see what's the option there and try it out
thanks again

(in reply to kulesha)
Post #: 13
RE: InCD Error message - 5/27/2003 3:21:52 AM   


Posts: 289
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From: Poland
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If you are worried about making changes to the drivers, just do it in stages. First, rename the suspicious drivers without doing any registry cleaning. Then reboot to test InCD. If you get Windows errors at this stage due to spurious registry entries, just ignore them, but note the error messages carefully and post them here so that we know what is happening with your system. The idea here is to leave registry cleaning to the end of the troubleshooting process, so that in case of serious trouble you can retrieve your original configuration simply by renaming the drivers again.

(in reply to kulesha)
Post #: 14
RE: InCD Error message - 5/30/2003 7:33:46 AM   


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From: USA
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Have a lot of trouble with Memorex cdrw both 4x and 12x
using INC3d[ Windows ME
numerous cdrw backups are unreadeable
Am be[ginning to believe that CDRW is a worthless technology for
backing up important data
ps easier to enter reply by pasting from word processor
will use that method next time

(in reply to kulesha)
Post #: 15
RE: InCD Error message - 5/31/2003 4:10:26 PM   


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forgot to mention i'm using old nero (as i experience some newer version stated burn successful, but somehow the media is gone case, even my friends.......)
so when there's nothing wrong, i rather don't want to upgrade nero

but i did use latest incd, not sure there's a conflict or not........

latest version 4.0.10

(in reply to kulesha)
Post #: 16
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