Here are some experiences with Memorex CD-RW media: Ignoring InCD temporarily, you may check whether Nero works with your Memorex media. Create a couple of data or audio discs with Nero, and test their quality as suggested in S4 of the InCD guide. Burn each disc several times (after full-erasing). If the burn quality turns out to be unacceptable, you will have to switch to other media (in which case you could transfer your Memorex media to a friend who could test them on another burner).
Next, assuming that Nero works correctly with your Memorex media, we may return to InCD.
Here the basic question is: Have you ever been able to use InCD successfully on your box with this burner and other media? If yes, and no hardware or software changes occured in the meantime, it would make Memorex media the prime suspect. On the other hand, if this is your first experience with InCD on this box with the NEC burner, then both alternative media and other factors would have to be tested.
Please understand that InCD troubleshooting needs time; if you are not patient enough, just forget about InCD. Otherwise, you should supply necessary information as in S17 of the InCD guide, by answering querries Q1 through Q12 (if you don't understand something, just ask).