Power Supply? (Full Version)

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mikeemei -> Power Supply? (11/15/2004 6:02:09 AM)

I recently found that my system need a more powerful power supply?? I never though about this but... According to my finding, I need at least 400Watts for my power supply.

I been running everything fine with my 300watt power supply that came with my InWin Q500 case.

the 400+watt calculated:
4fans x 2w = 8watts
1neons x 3w = 3w
4hdd x 25w = 100w
3cdr x20w = 60w
1fdd x 8w = 8w
5usb x 5w = 25w
2Ram x 12w = 24w
ps2 = 2w
SysCLK = 53w
cpu = 70w
vga = 40w
sound = 8w
nic = 5w
usb Contro = 10w

My question is, since my power supply seems overloaded... what is the long effect on this be???

Iggy -> RE: Power Supply? (11/15/2004 11:48:45 AM)

Does your motherboard has an 24pin main connector, or 20?


Those PSUs are very good.

Matthew -> RE: Power Supply? (11/16/2004 1:37:48 PM)

You also need to take into account the actual voltage rail loads - these days, the 12v is often the limiting factor, since it not only powers everything that moves, but (through an onboard switchmode regulator) the CPU as well.

The optical drives will not be contributing full load unless active, nor will the floppy, and 5W per USB assumes devices taking the maximum power.

The one thing to beware, and I've found it several times - cheap replacement PSUs are often WORSE than the one that came with the case.

I'm no fan of Q-Tec, having had a miserable example (-V rails ran high, high enough to trip the motherboard voltage alarm), but their quiet "big fan" model may be worth a look.

For a fairly low cost PSU, it reviewed adequately:

Line Peak Amperage Peak Wattage
( V ) ( A ) ( W )
+3.3v 28 252 ( Combined )
+5v 35
+12v 18 216
-5v 1 5
-12v 1 12

Iggy -> RE: Power Supply? (11/17/2004 2:52:32 AM)

Also most people doensn't care about buying a good PSU. This is not correct. Don't forget that this is most importand part on a system. I just purchased a Coolmaster 450W.

Matthew -> RE: Power Supply? (11/17/2004 3:40:27 PM)

What we REALLY want, of course, is a good power supply, cheap.

Getting a good power supply, expensive, is not that difficult, as, unfortunately, is getting a bad one cheap, or even a bad one that isn't cheap.

My own example, and I hate to tempt fate...

CASE PSU is a "Maxpower" 300w unit - it has survived a few years, the fan failing (yes, it seems to have thermal shutdown!), been replaced with a QTEC 450w (taken back due to voltage inaccuracy) and a no-name 400w unit (became unreliable).
I later faound a review of QTEC's 450w and 550W, and they did NOT like the 450W - the 550W was a different design, not just a few uprated components, and a lot better (a decent "general purpose" PSU, though not up to the demands that a better name 550W would handle)

If I found a bigger Maxpower unit now, I'd buy it!

One name that does drift into memory - TAGAN - they seem to be well regarded, but not as expensive as the overclockers favourite names.

I also have a liking for the dual fan, or large internal fan style of PSU.

A final note, if you are at a real life store or computer fair, the heavier the PSU is, the better it is, unless one is aluminum and the other is steel - more meat in the heatsinks and casing, is definitely a good sign.

mikeemei -> RE: Power Supply? (11/17/2004 5:47:11 PM)

wow![8|] So much information... I don't even know what to do think. I think I might just hang on to this stock PS til it die. I mean, its been good to me...its been working over its limit. Not sure if a new PS would be as generous.

Plus, my system is getting to the end of its lifespan... Should spend the money on a new system.

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