M/B and CPU question (Full Version)

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Iggy -> M/B and CPU question (8/21/2004 6:03:22 AM)

I have a question to make, are gigabyte any good?

What about the new socket for p4 775, is it better than 478?


adelphia83 -> RE: M/B and CPU question (8/22/2004 11:15:39 PM)

Giga-byte motherboards are among some of the best, it really depends on the board you buy. I've had good and bad luck with them.

The P4 775 socket requires an LGA CPU, which at present moment do not offer any benefits over the current socket 748. There is currently no practical reason to go socket 775 as the performance increase does not offset the much higher cost.

You'd be best served (IMHO) going Intel 865/875 chipset w/ socket 478, and the corresponding P4C or P4E CPU (800mhz fsb).

Iggy -> RE: M/B and CPU question (8/23/2004 3:47:09 AM)

Thanks for your responce, the m/b is GIGABYTE GA-8IK1100.

So you think 478 is better solution.

adelphia83 -> RE: M/B and CPU question (8/23/2004 8:12:12 AM)

While I haven't personally used the GA-8IK1100, I've heard nothing but good things about it. Of the Gigabyte boards I've had problems with, all were based on a VIA chipset of some sort.

The question of whether socket 478 is the better solution, really depends on how deep your pockets are. If money is no object, LGA775 does offer the advantage of having future technologies (PCI Express, DDR2, etc) implemented within, but at the present time do not offer any improvement in performance over the current technology.

Iggy -> RE: M/B and CPU question (8/23/2004 10:19:46 AM)

Thank you so much. I like the Gigabytes since are the only one that have 3 years warranty.

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