YAMAHA CRW2100E does not work with DMA (Full Version)

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mendmira -> YAMAHA CRW2100E does not work with DMA (6/17/2002 5:15:37 AM)

I have a rewriter YAMAHA CRW2100E. The original firmware was 1.0g. I updated the firmware to version 1.0n (downloaded from YAMAHA official page), but now it does not work with the checkbox DMA set. When I want to burn a CD (simulation or real), it shows the message "Bad medium". When the checkbox is disabled, the rewriter works properly. Before I updated the firmware, it works with DMA activated or disabled. I have updated to version 1.0g again, but it works badly. Anybody can help me? Thank you.

Laffin Assassin -> RE: YAMAHA CRW2100E does not work with DMA (6/17/2002 5:51:48 AM)

Hi mendmira
Did you disable DMA before you flashed it If not Disable it and then re-flash it and then reboot and enable DMA.
I hope this helps

Laffin Assassin

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