cheech -> philips' cdrw cdd4801 flashrom image :-\ (2/15/2002 3:15:36 PM)
hello! i have a philips 8x 4x 32x cdrws and have killed it at my attempt to update the firmware under windows 2000.... philips only releases their their roms as a .cvt file. but i need a bin file, so i can flash this plcc flashrom in my programmer.... alternatively: luckily my pal has the same drive. does anyone have a tool to _read_ out the firmware of a working philips cdrw cdd4801 / pcrw4801 / pcrw 804k? mktflash didn't werk. any clues/tools/bins are very much appreciated. thx in advance ! cheech ps: i emailed, but i'm not holdin' my breath. -_-;