cant decide between 5 CPUs (Full Version)

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major9686 -> cant decide between 5 CPUs (9/8/2012 6:01:44 AM)

Good evening,

I haven't been here in a while, but as if I remember correctly, this is where I always got my questions answered :)
I've been in Japan for the last couple of years, and well, its been a while since I got a new computer so I cant quite know who against who, and who's winning etc.

I kinda wanna buy a CPU around 7,000~10,000yen

Those are the once available:
Pentium Dual-Core G870 BOX Athlon II X3 Triple-Core 455 BOX A8-3870K BOX FX-4100 BOX Core i3 2120 BOX
7,507円 7,980円 7,800円 8,699円 9,457円

I mainly use my netbook for work purposes, printing, internet, music, movies...

What I do want to do, is get a new computer which allow me to play games, watch HD movies and well.. thats it.
The games I would like to play are the new Batman, Assassin creed (2?), and Skyrim...
I'm not looking to play them on Ultra High settings.. low-medium should be fine :)
At first I wanted to get the A8 (APU) but according to some reviews I would have to get a graphic card as well, which kinda ruins the point...

GPU in both the CPU, on the Mother board, and in a separate graphic card ?!
Well, explanation and\or help\suggestions are most welcome :)

Thanks in advance

Tony Veglis -> RE: cant decide between 5 CPUs (9/10/2012 5:09:27 AM)

At a glance, I would go for the Core i3 2120. The AMD chips may have a small edge in H.264 encoding but I think the Intel choice is better for gaming.

Have you also checked the latest Ivy Bridge chips?

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