reprinted:ND-3500AG (Full Version)

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thomaskenneth -> reprinted:ND-3500AG (9/10/2010 4:34:57 AM)

I bought this drive from one of my friends. For some reason it wont read Memorex 16X DVD-R discs. It only reads them at 6.1x and if I try to burn it it errors out. I use DVD+R Memorex discs and it works fine. I updated the firmware to 2.17 but it didnt help. Is there something I am missing? Im sorta new and this so I woiuld appreciate any help I can get. 

MP3Mogul -> RE: reprinted:ND-3500AG (9/22/2010 8:09:11 PM)


Memorex discs are RUBBISH... just about as bad as it gets... don't use them...

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