menu making (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Optical Storage Software] >> CD/DVD Authoring


stinkfoot70 -> menu making (5/5/2008 10:13:31 AM)

I've been digging making mixed dvds with dvdshrink, but would like to move to the next level of creating menus on my dvds. any suggestions of applications that could help me do this? Would they work with dvd shrink or separately?


Civy -> RE: menu making (10/29/2009 1:44:53 AM)

Search "WinX DVD Author" on
Hope that could help you. [:'(]

ranaraza -> RE: menu making (4/8/2015 8:46:01 AM)

've been digging making mixed dvds with dvdshrink, but would like to move to the next level of creating menus on my dvds. any suggestions of applications that could help me do this? Would they work with dvd shrink or separately?

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