creative announced zen stone player 1GB < $40 (Full Version)

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dejerezz -> creative announced zen stone player 1GB < $40 (5/4/2007 10:11:20 AM)

Creative  announced  zen stone player 1GB < $40.
That's cheap ... or is there a catch?

cadoo -> RE: creative announced zen stone player 1GB < $40 (5/4/2007 11:15:17 AM)

Actually, it cost 69$. And it's copy of iPod Shuffle with round edges.

dejerezz -> RE: creative announced zen stone player 1GB < $40 (6/21/2007 3:54:01 PM)

There is another one called ZEN Stone Plus - that's a version with a screen and radio that is indeed $US69
But the one I linked to earlier was and is way below $US40.
"Copy of iPod" us not exactly right term when you consider that's Creative who holds mp3 patents that Apple had to pay for to settle...

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