HybridHB -> Best way to clean dvdr drive? (3/11/2004 3:35:24 AM)
As title says i think my drive is so dusty inside i need to get it gunked out. Any recommendations on methods?
ant_ -> RE: Best way to clean dvdr drive? (3/11/2004 10:53:28 AM)
I would not recommend cleaning the inside of a drive, since there is a great risk to damage the mainboard or the laser lens.
Deleted User -> [Deleted] (3/11/2004 12:17:41 PM)
[Deleted by Admins]
Jimmys -> RE: Best way to clean dvdr drive? (3/12/2004 12:00:29 PM)
Also, never use any cleaning discs.
Laffin Assassin -> RE: Best way to clean dvdr drive? (3/15/2004 10:00:50 PM)
It you want to clean it out the easist way is to Purchasse a can of compressed air (Available from most Hardware stores) and just give it a blast out that way you won't damage your Warrenty or your Drive !!! [:)]