Enygma -> Running a duplicator (3/17/2006 3:51:38 PM)
Hi, all. I've been reading the forums here a while, but I've finally created my own username now :) Anyway, I'm usually running just CDs(since I'm in music), but occasionally, I'll get clients that want me to author & duplicate dvds for them as well. This led me to purchase a duplicator on ebay. Well, it wasn't working too well, so I upgraded the control card to the Acard 2033S. Performance improved, but not by enough, so I replaced all the drives with Aopen DUW1616L-31, and the reader with an Aopen DVD1648L-08. My Hard drive is a Western Digital; don't know the specs offhand, but I don't use it often. I've heard people mention something about synchronizing the drives to increase performance, but I can't seem to find info on this. I've learned much from you all (esp. Dolphin) posting about media. I've found that I can buy Maxell 80min. Music CD-R 50pks at Wal-Mart, as they're TY (32x). Nobody seems to have any TY DVDs in my area, but when I was visiting my mom 4 states up, I stopped by her Wally World, and they had 2 50pks left in -r, so I nabbed 'em. So far, I've had 5 bad burns from 60 discs... not sure why, since TY is such high quality. Haven't had any bad burns on the CDs yet, but I've noticed that not all car players will play Sony's regular CD-Rs. Can anyone further help me?