DL DVD+R Verb - burn @ 8x safe? (Full Version)

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spectre -> DL DVD+R Verb - burn @ 8x safe? (1/4/2006 3:33:02 AM)

Just wanted to get an opinion from anyone that has done Dual Layer testing with the Pioneer DVR-110 and Verbatim DVD+R DL  media.  I have been burning at 4x, but i am very tempted to burn at 6x or 8x....

any thoughts?  i am sure the error rate goes up, but by how much?

Antonio -> RE: DL DVD+R Verb - burn @ 8x safe? (1/4/2006 4:15:18 AM)

do you have the MKM001 or the MKM003?

check at cdrinfo.com to see the results.[;)]

spectre -> RE: DL DVD+R Verb - burn @ 8x safe? (1/5/2006 2:33:51 PM)

i have MKM-001...

Antonio -> RE: DL DVD+R Verb - burn @ 8x safe? (1/5/2006 2:57:50 PM)

its certified for 2.4X while many burners support it for higher speeds. Personaly I wouldn't go higher than 4X.

Clint -> RE: DL DVD+R Verb - burn @ 8x safe? (2/9/2006 6:06:15 PM)

MKM-001 is engineered/manufactured with high enough quality to be burnt reliably @ 8X with proper hardware - on the other hand, to keep PI rates low, 6X is a good sacrifice between quality/speed with quality recorders.

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