New PC advices plz. (Full Version)

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Sherivchenko -> New PC advices plz. (12/4/2005 10:07:33 PM)

(1) Is Pentium processors more reliable than AMD ones?
(2)Which Memory RAMs are the best ...Kingstone,Lixir,Spectec?
(3)for a harddisk .... which is better for a 200GB one ...Maxtor/Hitashi/WD?
(4) for the intel D915GAV motherboard .... Is the Built-in VGA card a good one?

SithTracy -> RE: New PC advices plz. (12/4/2005 10:34:13 PM)


(1) Is Pentium processors more reliable than AMD ones?

The great debate.  I prefer AMD processors, because they perform great for my needs and I am not a big gamer.  Some may argue that Intel is better for business applications.  I respectfully disagree.  I think they are equal here, but most large companies buy Dell's and they don't offer an AMD solution.

I am not against Intel, they have been the CPU king for sometime and they make a great product... but so does AMD.  I like my options as a consumer right now as AMD is the king of dual-core right now.  Let the back and forth go on for a while and bring prices down!


(2)Which Memory RAMs are the best ...Kingstone,Lixir,Spectec?

Corsair or GSKILL make the best RAM on the planet.


(3)for a harddisk .... which is better for a 200GB one ...Maxtor/Hitashi/WD?

Given the choices, Maxtor and WesternDigital are okay.  I've had issues with Maxtor in the past, but it up to you.  I did love IBM UltaStar SCSI drives... they sold the business to Hitachi... I imagine the DeskStar line from them is okay... My last IDE DeskStar (IBM branded) still works great--about five years old in an older system.


(4) for the intel D915GAV motherboard .... Is the Built-in VGA card a good one?

Integrated VGA?  Yuk[:'(]!  I can't imagine it would be good for much beyond web browsing and word processing.  It depends on what you are doing... and I guess more importantly, your budget.

What are you looking to build and why?

Antonio -> RE: New PC advices plz. (12/5/2005 2:07:02 AM)

1. I also thnk AMD is better now, especially with X2 series
2. Corsair, OCZ etc. however this depends on overclocking. If you don't care about overclocking then a normal memory with lifetime warranty is enough
3. WD is the best and if you need something fast try the Raptor series at 1000rpm
4. No, no, no...If you get AMD then you need a different board with NF4 chipset. If you decide to go for an Intel then 925 and 945 are good with the best to be the 955 but too expensive. Avoid any onboard VGA, better get a cheap card than having your system's memory shared with a VGA

major9686 -> RE: New PC advices plz. (12/5/2005 2:10:18 AM)




(1) Is Pentium processors more reliable than AMD ones?

The great debate.  I prefer AMD processors, because they perform great for my needs and I am not a big gamer.  Some may argue that Intel is better for business applications.  I respectfully disagree.  I think they are equal here, but most large companies buy Dell's and they don't offer an AMD solution.

I am not against Intel, they have been the CPU king for sometime and they make a great product... but so does AMD.  I like my options as a consumer right now as AMD is the king of dual-core right now.  Let the back and forth go on for a while and bring prices down!


(2)Which Memory RAMs are the best ...Kingstone,Lixir,Spectec?

Corsair or GSKILL make the best RAM on the planet.


(3)for a harddisk .... which is better for a 200GB one ...Maxtor/Hitashi/WD?

Given the choices, Maxtor and WesternDigital are okay.  I've had issues with Maxtor in the past, but it up to you.  I did love IBM UltaStar SCSI drives... they sold the business to Hitachi... I imagine the DeskStar line from them is okay... My last IDE DeskStar (IBM branded) still works great--about five years old in an older system.


(4) for the intel D915GAV motherboard .... Is the Built-in VGA card a good one?

Integrated VGA?  Yuk[:'(]!  I can't imagine it would be good for much beyond web browsing and word processing.  It depends on what you are doing... and I guess more importantly, your budget.

What are you looking to build and why?

for an onboard VGA solution ..
I got a board with VGA cause it can give me another 2 months of piece ..
it runs some games .. fine .. not the best but fine ..
and cause I have 1g of RAM I dont notice it ..
also .. if you have a console (PS2, XBOX, GC) you can definitly get an onboard VGA, play games on the console for a while .. and buy some good graphic card when the prices drops ..

Sherivchenko -> RE: New PC advices plz. (12/5/2005 8:06:03 AM)

thanx guys (SithTracy,Antonio,Major9686) 4 ur replies ...... I'm looking to build a PC that will be used at home .... But I want to have something that would enable me run many programs as well as heavy games. So I wish u recommend me the convenient AMD processor simillar to pentium4 3.0 GHz "I heard that the AMD processors sometimes make problems when it work 4 a long time ... is that true?"...... and the VGA card used with it " I don't wanna pay alot on that VGA card ".

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (12/5/2005 10:35:21 AM)

[Deleted by Admins]

Antonio -> RE: New PC advices plz. (12/5/2005 11:50:56 AM)

AMD processors are reliable now, you won't have problems. If you need something good and affortable then check either for the P4 630 3.0GHz at $172 or AMD 64
3200+ at $166. But if you can spend something more then:

640 3.2GHz $212
650 3.4GHz $285
3500+ $201
3700+ $233
3800+ $282

Personaly I decided to go further and spent something more, I just got my brand new 4200+ X2 and I am so happy...if only I had a moatherboard to install it.[:D] I am still waiting for the A8N32SLI Deluxe to come.[:@]

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