major9686 -> RE: New PC advices plz. (12/5/2005 2:10:18 AM)
ORIGINAL: SithTracy quote:
(1) Is Pentium processors more reliable than AMD ones? The great debate. I prefer AMD processors, because they perform great for my needs and I am not a big gamer. Some may argue that Intel is better for business applications. I respectfully disagree. I think they are equal here, but most large companies buy Dell's and they don't offer an AMD solution. I am not against Intel, they have been the CPU king for sometime and they make a great product... but so does AMD. I like my options as a consumer right now as AMD is the king of dual-core right now. Let the back and forth go on for a while and bring prices down! quote:
(2)Which Memory RAMs are the best ...Kingstone,Lixir,Spectec? Corsair or GSKILL make the best RAM on the planet. quote:
(3)for a harddisk .... which is better for a 200GB one ...Maxtor/Hitashi/WD? Given the choices, Maxtor and WesternDigital are okay. I've had issues with Maxtor in the past, but it up to you. I did love IBM UltaStar SCSI drives... they sold the business to Hitachi... I imagine the DeskStar line from them is okay... My last IDE DeskStar (IBM branded) still works great--about five years old in an older system. quote:
(4) for the intel D915GAV motherboard .... Is the Built-in VGA card a good one? Integrated VGA? Yuk[:'(]! I can't imagine it would be good for much beyond web browsing and word processing. It depends on what you are doing... and I guess more importantly, your budget. What are you looking to build and why? for an onboard VGA solution .. I got a board with VGA cause it can give me another 2 months of piece .. it runs some games .. fine .. not the best but fine .. and cause I have 1g of RAM I dont notice it .. also .. if you have a console (PS2, XBOX, GC) you can definitly get an onboard VGA, play games on the console for a while .. and buy some good graphic card when the prices drops ..