yes I have. It isn't possible. The burner is down after update. Only the Update-software showed me, that there was the DVD and a "software". So I "updated" the "software" and my burner was known by the system. I'am happy, he istn't down forever.
1.You have managed to update writer without problem. 2.After updating the CDR software to the latest version you are able to write using the drive.
Is that what you mean ?
After update with Ricoh 1.30, the burner wasn't recognized by the System. Only the Update-Software recognized an "Firmware-reloader", not the Aopen himself. Then I updated the reloader by the Aopen-Firmware and the burner works. Maybe anything was wrong, but I never try again. since Firmware 1.21 I believe Aopens Firmware is better than Ricohs 1.30. I have posted this on your other tread (sorry for "double-posting")