im gping crazy dvd read tray opens and closes all the time (Full Version)

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frankdogg -> im gping crazy dvd read tray opens and closes all the time (4/6/2005 5:47:41 PM)

well its been over a month now and iv tried evrything i could thing of .. i scanned for trojans and viruses ..i got rid of my nvidia ide controllers i disactivated imapi, i dont have packet writing...
reinstalled windows to many times tried changing ide not that good at this what im i missing it just lives its own life and sometimes gets mad opening and closing franticly ..can someone save it or should i just shoot it . thanks
its a matshita dvd rom 8585 and the fireware is 1.24 not the latest but since its dos flashing im kinda not secure peforming it ...
i already had this problem like a year back and i cant remember how i solved it ...i hate when that happens...thanks

xciwmff -> RE: im gping crazy dvd read tray opens and closes all the time (4/6/2005 6:40:55 PM)

If you have a multimeter, check the power supply leads to see if they are giving the right, steady voltages. If not, you power supply might be going bad.

Iggy -> RE: im gping crazy dvd read tray opens and closes all the time (4/7/2005 9:28:57 AM)

It is possible to be the drive, its time has come.[:D]

Einstein -> RE: im gping crazy dvd read tray opens and closes all the time (4/18/2005 9:22:14 AM)

Frankdogg, maybe try it out on another computer first, and see what happens... That way, we can eliminate your own PSU issues.
Unfortunately, weird stuff like that does happen to some drives, when the drives' own internal units go a bit nuts :(.

frankdogg -> RE: im gping crazy dvd read tray opens and closes all the time (4/18/2005 5:11:55 PM)

Thanks for your replies, well i guess i should try it on an other computer but i found a temporary
solution..a use SPTI cd rom tool and i just lock it... actualy i hope its the drive...
We be the perfect excuse to buy my first DVDburner ... really hard to choose benq/lg...think im gonna wait till new benq comes out and see...{then again said that when nec2500 came out )
anyways if i figure out whatever is going on with my drive i ll post it
thanks again

modern_prophet -> RE: im gping crazy dvd read tray opens and closes all the time (6/9/2005 6:51:56 AM)

I heard a strange story about PC speakers giving out a similar frequency to the eject operation on someones driver and having the same problem.

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