tiamat markovic -> RE: Help, my DVD burners are dying (4/12/2005 8:52:13 AM)
Well, this is update of what happened, and at a time, a made myself an idiot. Serviceguy came to me and noticed that DVD drive was on the end of ide cable, and that jumper on a drive was set as slave. After that he set jumper as master and everything was fine, and drive was working as a suisse clock. He even checked the powersupplie with some instruments and told that it was OK. And it was for another week. Offcourse, i didn`t touch anything. Now, i have the same simptoms as before, only my drive is little faster, and can reach the full 2X speed. I am seriously starting to beeleve in gremlins, and if i don`t find solution, maibe i`ll call an excorsist.