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cant backup resident evil apocalypse - 2/2/2005 11:19:20 PM   

Posts: 6
Joined: 2/2/2005
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okay, first off, hello all.
nice forum, i have visted and looked around before, but now i have a question.
i am noob here, but far from noob to dvd backups.

here is the problem.
im trying to backup resident evil apocalypse
i have the latest versions of both dvd shrink, and decrypter and nero 6 ultra edition
my pc has plenty of horsepower and ram (2.7 p4 with 1gb pc 3200)
burner/reader set up are both LG's, bought about a month ago and have flawlessly burned many dvd's.
my usual routine is, movie in dvd rom, and blank in dvd ram drives
i use tdk 8x media

when decrypter, it does reads it, tells me its done as it usually does, but this is where it gets stange.
i go to windows explorer, and go to where decrypter saves to, which is the default, c drive.
usually, it will say the title of the movie, but this time, it just says dvd_video/video_ts, it also says this when i open disk in shrink, it doesnt say the title of the movie.
when i point shrink there, it does not recognize any part of these folders as .iso, and therefore, will
not let me backup.

when i try to use shrink, the analysis gets to 15%, and i get error saying, "dvd shrink encountered an error and cannot continue. failed to read file "f:\:" Data error (cyclic redundancy check)

is this due to some new copywrite protection?
it is the first time i have not been able to backup a dvd.
is there a way around it? or am i just screwed on this one?
any help will be greatly appreciated.
Post #: 1
RE: cant backup resident evil apocalypse - 2/3/2005 2:15:58 AM   

Posts: 3349
Joined: 7/22/2004
From: Jupiter
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First check for newer version of DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink.

Try again with DVD Decrypter. This time give it a try not as ISO, which normally should work, but as File, in MODE, rip the files on the HD.. Make sure than in settings/IFO mode, RC and RCE protection removes are enable and proceed. The same also for ISO but in ISO read mode.

As soon as the ripping process finish run DVD Shrink and press to open files.

The following guide might also help you.

Tell us the result.

(in reply to AcidRayn)
Post #: 2
RE: cant backup resident evil apocalypse - 2/3/2005 7:47:51 AM   

Posts: 6
Joined: 2/2/2005
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okay iggy, i will try all that now, and of course i will post my results.
i am a member in other unrealted forums around the web and have been a moderator
on a couple, sattelite tv related, that have since been shut down, and i really enjoy helping others,
so i naturally did a search of your site first, the single most important thing anyone can
do on an informational forum, but could not find the answers.
and second, i read all of your guides, as well as some others on diff sites.
and they were quite helpful, i pointed a friend at one of your guides and she and was making backup's for her kids in
less then 2 hours. NICE!
i will now make it a point to visit often and help as much as i am able.
thanx for the ideas, and ill get back and post shortly.


< Message edited by AcidRayn -- 2/3/2005 8:03:56 AM >


it wasn't me! thats my story and i'm sticking to it. :)

(in reply to AcidRayn)
Post #: 3
RE: cant backup resident evil apocalypse - 2/3/2005 9:45:25 AM   


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This movie is protected with Sony's new ARccOS protection scheme. In order to make a successful backup, you should use AnyDVD along with DVD-Shrink. DVD-Decrypter currently cannot handle this protection.

(in reply to AcidRayn)
Post #: 4
RE: cant backup resident evil apocalypse - 2/3/2005 10:32:08 AM   

Posts: 3349
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From: Jupiter
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If I am not wrong DVD Decrypter should also do this, according to the following thread:

However, if this is the protection, AnyDVD from Beta and newer will work.

(in reply to xciwmff)
Post #: 5
RE: cant backup resident evil apocalypse - 2/3/2005 2:55:55 PM   


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According to DVD-Decrypter themselves, it can handle it. However, I have yet to hear of anyone using it successfully.

(in reply to Iggy)
Post #: 6
RE: cant backup resident evil apocalypse - 2/3/2005 5:39:13 PM   

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ORIGINAL: xciwmff

According to DVD-Decrypter themselves, it can handle it. However, I have yet to hear of anyone using it successfully.

well, your hearing it now.
i just completed resident evil apocalypse. it kicked my ass, but with iggys help, i got it.
i have both the latest versions of shrink and dycrypter.
up until 2 weeks ago,i never even used dycrypter. had xcopy for quite awhile, and
when that crapped out, i went to shrink, and been burning with that since around last october.
then i tried to burn american wedding, and no go, so i got decrypter.

as far as this problem, i did just as iggy said, ripped it in decrypter as file and ripped to the hard drive. in settings
rc and rce were enabled and ran the process.
then processed it with shrink and burned it. i let shrink do the burning with nero. works quite well.

again, thanx for the help. i will post this in the arcos thread as well for others.


it wasn't me! thats my story and i'm sticking to it. :)

(in reply to xciwmff)
Post #: 7
RE: cant backup resident evil apocalypse - 2/3/2005 6:26:54 PM   


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Yeah and I've done it about a million times myself too!

Tested with DVD Shrink and the new DVD2one. Both worked fine.

CloneDVD doesn't work - it's picky (for no good reason) about the 'Last Sector Of VTS' field in the VTS_04 IFO file. Even with that fixed, Olli made it work at chapter level for cropping instead of Cell level (as he probably should have done, or at least given the user the option of which to use). As such, you can't make it skip the dummy cells.

(in reply to AcidRayn)
Post #: 8
RE: cant backup resident evil apocalypse - 2/4/2005 1:36:35 AM   

Posts: 3349
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From: Jupiter
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@ AcidRayn

I am glad you did what you want.

(in reply to LIGHTNING UK)
Post #: 9
RE: cant backup resident evil apocalypse - 3/19/2005 11:44:32 AM   


Posts: 4
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hi everyone,
i was doing the same backup of this movie, dvd shrink is playing the movie fine that i had dycrypted with dvd dycrypter. but after i burned this movie through rayn procedure,the
power dvd would stop responding when i want to play it.i even tried with window media player. i burned on to verbatim dvd-rw disc,
and dvd+rw but same result.
i am using xp with lg 4160B burner.
does anybody has any information please help.

(in reply to AcidRayn)
Post #: 10
RE: cant backup resident evil apocalypse - 3/19/2005 12:31:15 PM   

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How about trying the latest DVD Decrypter, again to rip the movie?

(in reply to mehmood)
Post #: 11
RE: cant backup resident evil apocalypse - 3/19/2005 1:22:44 PM   


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i am using the latest ver of dvd decrpyt and shrink ver 3.2.

(in reply to emperor)
Post #: 12
RE: cant backup resident evil apocalypse - 3/19/2005 1:56:54 PM   

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If you copied the menus as well, this particular film has the "running man" protection, it can be found under extra items with DVD shrink. If you click on it you will see a tiny video of a man running, right click it and change it to still image, this will resolve the problem.


LG GSA H22L Firm 1.02
Samsung SH-203N Firm SB01
LiteOn SOHD-16P9S Firm FS0D

(in reply to mehmood)
Post #: 13
RE: cant backup resident evil apocalypse - 3/19/2005 3:57:00 PM   


Posts: 4
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hello mp3
i can only see in dvd structure:
+Main movie
+Unreferenced Material
there is no extra items beside these.

(in reply to MP3Mogul)
Post #: 14
RE: cant backup resident evil apocalypse - 3/19/2005 5:38:23 PM   

Posts: 5448
Joined: 4/11/2002
From: Retired Moderator
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I'm sorry, it's in Unreferenced Material...... (been a while since I backed up this film)


LG GSA H22L Firm 1.02
Samsung SH-203N Firm SB01
LiteOn SOHD-16P9S Firm FS0D

(in reply to mehmood)
Post #: 15
RE: cant backup resident evil apocalypse - 3/20/2005 2:00:54 AM   


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in unreference matrial there is only one item:
VTS 1 Menus
please check it out

(in reply to MP3Mogul)
Post #: 16
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