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Copy key2audio protected cd - 1/30/2003 10:53:16 AM   


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I've tried to make a copy of the new Arid cd (All is quiet now) with the latest version of Clone CD. I've read that this audio cd has the key2audio protection from Sony Music. My cd-rom driver (an LG) was able to read the cd and made an image file in Clone CD. Then, I've burned the image file with my cd-writer (Waitec 3244EI) BUT when I insert the cd in a cd-player I hear nothing. Although I can see that 10 tracks were written ! What do I do wrong ?
Thanx in advance
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RE: Copy key2audio protected cd - 1/30/2003 7:17:53 PM   


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Why you don't try to rip the disc with EAC and re-author it?


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Post #: 2
RE: Copy key2audio protected cd - 2/10/2003 6:24:22 PM   


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EAC was able to read the cd but that gave me another problem : I didn't hear a thing when I hit start in EAC ! Possible explanation : when I start Explorer and I insert a regular CD in my writer and I load Winamp (or any other program that plays audio) I don't hear a thing! If I put the audio cd in my cd-rom drive I can hear the music. I've had that 'problem' since the writer was installed I tried to play audio with it. Was the installation of the writer not good or does this happen often ? Conclusion : my writer I able to read a copy protected cd, but isn't able to rip the cd, because it can't simply play audio. [:(!]

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Post #: 3
RE: Copy key2audio protected cd - 2/11/2003 12:35:23 AM   

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Who installed the writer? It sounds like there is simply a cable missing to connect the audio to the soundcard. Most newer systems send the audio through the cable, but not all. Is this perhaps a problem that you have checked? As John mentioned above, I usually rip the offending protected audio cd first with EAC and then remaster the CD unprotected.


LG GSA H22L Firm 1.02
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Post #: 4
RE: Copy key2audio protected cd - 2/12/2003 5:00:39 PM   


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Hi MP3Mogul,

Thanks for the response. It was a guy I know who installed the writer (actually, he had to transfer all the components into a bigger case and afterwards he installed the writer). I will check if the cable is connected. I'll get back to you if I have other questions regarding this subject.

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Post #: 5
RE: Copy key2audio protected cd - 2/13/2003 12:50:00 AM   

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I'm thinking that this is going to be your problem, since it's isolated to only the writer, but not the reader. Keep us informed.


LG GSA H22L Firm 1.02
Samsung SH-203N Firm SB01
LiteOn SOHD-16P9S Firm FS0D

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Post #: 6
RE: Copy key2audio protected cd - 2/13/2003 1:55:52 AM   


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Have you ever try "MY" method?

I hope you are using Win98SE or Win2OOO. Replace the vxd file with the one you have in system/Iosubsys/cdfs.vxd. Remember to backup the orignal one.

restart the computer and you could able to view the .wav tracks instead of .cda.

Copy to your harddrive and you are ready to make a COPY of your Protected Audio CD.

I tried it on Aymi "RAINBOW" and it works very well.

Remember to replace the orignal vxd file after you rip the songs :D

If it doesn't work. post here.


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Post #: 7
RE: Copy key2audio protected cd - 2/13/2003 1:57:25 AM   


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I think you you should keep this file and keep your Win98 in your system cus it is helpful and just say "bye" to all the audio protection out there~~ enjoy~


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Post #: 8
RE: Copy key2audio protected cd - 2/13/2003 4:34:29 PM   


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To WDR101 : have you tried "your method" with Windows 98 (first edition)? That's the OS I'm using. However, I'm thinking on buying another PC.
Can someone give me his opinion on this configuration (I know the forum isn't made for that - though, thanks for your understanding en co-operation):
Packard Bell, P4 2.4 GHz, 533 MHz FSB, 256MB DDR SDRAM, 40/10/40 CD-RW + 16xDVD, 80GB HD (7200RPM), ATI Radeon 9200 128 MB SDRAM 8xAGP+TV Out, soundblaster on board, 6xUSB 2.0, netcard 10/100, modem 56 Kbps V.92, Firewire, speakers, 15" Flat screen, WinXP
Price = 1.549 EUR (= 1.500 $)

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Post #: 9
RE: Copy key2audio protected cd - 2/14/2003 12:36:08 AM   

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sounds like a pretty good system, just wondering why HP didn't bump it up to 512 on the RAM? Anyway, it does seem like a nice system. P.S. - You can overclock the 2.4 to 2.8 successfully.


LG GSA H22L Firm 1.02
Samsung SH-203N Firm SB01
LiteOn SOHD-16P9S Firm FS0D

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Post #: 10
RE: Copy key2audio protected cd - 2/14/2003 2:47:03 PM   


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But overclocking has certain risk hasn't it ? I also think you lose your warranty on the processor ? Can you explain how to overclock it or do you recommand a site with clear explanation ? (I haven't got a lot of experience in 'alternative' ways to configure a PC). Is it also possible to overclock a P4 2.53 GHz or is it better to buy a 2.4 GHz and overclock it?
Thanks in advance

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Post #: 11
RE: Copy key2audio protected cd - 2/15/2003 10:04:49 PM   

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Both can be overclocked....without a problem... but if there is a warranty issue, I don't want to try and explain it.... search the web.. you'll find alot of articles


LG GSA H22L Firm 1.02
Samsung SH-203N Firm SB01
LiteOn SOHD-16P9S Firm FS0D

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Post #: 12
RE: Copy key2audio protected cd - 5/7/2003 2:17:42 PM   


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Hi, it's been a while but I have installed the audio-cable from my cd-writer as you suggested (see replies above). I do hear a sound now, but only if I increase the volume of the speakers to the max ! I don't think that's a normal thing, because when I put the audio-cd back in the cd-rom drive I don't have to increase the volume to hear the music. I also have the impression that the music coming from the cd-burner sounds very hollow (besides the fact that the speakers are on their max). What the problem ? The audio-cable, my M-B ? Thanks in advance

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Post #: 13
RE: Copy key2audio protected cd - 5/7/2003 3:04:36 PM   

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This could be a combination of things, try going into your control panel, click on sounds and audio devices, and make sure the volume settings are correct in there.


LG GSA H22L Firm 1.02
Samsung SH-203N Firm SB01
LiteOn SOHD-16P9S Firm FS0D

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Post #: 14
RE: Copy key2audio protected cd - 5/21/2003 10:04:32 AM   


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everything looks normal in the control panel. But I discovered something : I burned a regular cd-r with lots of mp3's. When I inserted that cd in the cd-writer, the writer played the songs at the normal volume (just like a regular cd-rom drive would do). I replaced the mp3-cd with an audio-cd and I encountered the same problem (no sound). I don't understand the problem [:(!]

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Post #: 15
RE: Copy key2audio protected cd - 5/21/2003 5:29:38 PM   

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It sounds like you don't have audio selected, but have MP3's selected. Do you have a speaker icon on your desktop? Right click it if you do and then "open volume control" edit those properties.


LG GSA H22L Firm 1.02
Samsung SH-203N Firm SB01
LiteOn SOHD-16P9S Firm FS0D

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