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Tutorials from ASUS   Logged in as: Guest
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Tutorials from ASUS - 12/7/2002 1:36:16 AM   


Posts: 4038
Joined: 12/24/2000
From: Greece
Status: offline
There are several interesting tutorials from ASUS that should be read from (advanced? ) users:

- Multimedia ---DVD Copy Protection

The copy protection issues of DVD are widely noticed than all other video-carrying media such as VCD & videotapes because of the much more superior quality it holds. It seems all the possible paths that may be taken to make illegal copies either in digital or analog formats are blocked. That is, for every path, one or more measures are applied on it. You will see how rigid it is in the following sections

- Compact Discs: Common Features

Compact disc (CD) is a very popular mass storage media for applications such as audio, video, and data storage. No matter what types (audio, video, or data) of data are being stored on the disc, the physical specification and data formation process is the same. This article is focused on these topics...

- Optical Drive Anti-Vibration Design

As the transfer speed of CDROM drives have boosted from 2X to 50X, everybody wonders what maximum speed can CDROM drives achieve ultimately? Of course, the transfer speed of CDROM drives cannot keep going up eternally. In fact, vibration is the major bottleneck that confines the maximum CDROM drive transfer speed. Manufacturers that are capable of handling the vibration generated from the high-speed revolution are always the competitive ones that survive in the CDROM drive market finally.....

- Truth Behind the Max. Transfer Rate of Optical Drives

The maximum transfer rate of CDROM drives has gone beyond the expected limitation for times. In years, the maximum transfer rate for CDROM drives has grown from 2X to 50X. Today, 40X models are the main streams in the CDROM drive market......

- The battle of CD-rewriteable Disk

There are three types of CD-Rewriteable Disk available at market. DVD-RAM was providing by Matsush*ta, Toshiba and Hitachi to provide large storage space for computer wares. DVD-RW was introduced by Pioneer to replace VTR. DVD+RW was set by HP, Sony, Philips, Ricoh, Mitsubishi and Yamaha. Other than the above, NEC Japan has also standardized its MMVF (Multi Media Video File) within the official standard of multimedia for commercial purpose. ..
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