If people need to know how to make a backup of a game or a software title or music CD they need to provide the forum with some basic info. Without this info we are unable to assist you.
1. What is the full title of the software you are trying to backup?
2. What protection is on it? (Use Cloney or Scout to tell you that)
3. What is the burner and reader you are using (Make and Model)
4. What are you playing it on (CDrom, DVDrom, or a Burner)?
5. Operating system
Get the latest Cloney here (Thanks to SirDavidGuy):
http://gowap2002.free.fr/ClonyXXL_v2010us.zip This is the minimum requirements to start with, if we need more, then the person helping you will ask for more info. Thanks... Hope this makes it a bit easier for some.....