Question :-
How do I use the New Clone VirtualDrive ???
Answer :-
The Easy way to to Use the virtual Drive is to :-
1> Make an Image of the CD with Clone CD you want to Mount !
2> Double click the My Computer Icon !
3> Right click on the Virtual CloneDrive and select Mount !
4> A window will open and ask you where the Clone CD image is just go to the folder where the image is and select it and just select open !
And there you are the Virtual CloneDrive should now change to the Image you have just mounted and you can either Play, Install the program onto your Hard-drive or Make a copy of it to a CDR by using Clone CD !!!
And to get rid of the Image from the Virtual CloneDrive just Right click on it and then select Unmount and it will be gone ready to be Mouted with another one when you are ready !!!
I hope this Helps you to understand it a bit better !!!