Samurai_49: Unfortunatly, there is no such thing as a completely unbiased person :( However, there are people here who seem well versed in both pieces of software and they can help you with your questions on either one. For me, I find Alcohol more user friendly then CloneCD, and I haven't had to many good experiences with CloneCD in the past, but I'm currently in the process of giving it another try, since I've heard so much good stuff about it.
In response to people saying Alcohol is surpassing CloneCD in developement: It's a lot easier to catch up, then it is to make new innovations. We have to remember this as Alcohol 120% continues to improve so quickly. I'm sure that the updates will slow down after they've achieved the most important and sought after features.
So let's all do our best to help these two pieces of software along! cause it's our reports and questions and requests that keep them getting better and better!