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How I make Psx Copies ??   Logged in as: Guest
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How I make Psx Copies ?? - 10/30/2002 1:57:18 PM   


Posts: 4
Joined: 10/30/2002
From: Brazil
Status: offline
HEllo all.
I have a Hp 9100 cdrw, and i get clony XXL + clone cd4.
SO, i scan a psx game with a Clony XXL and it returns to me this message:
Found psx/libcrypt.
Ok, so What i have to do to clone this psx game ??
The clony XXL dont descrypt the psx game for me?
How i can copy this cd to work with my psx one ???
Post #: 1
RE: How I make Psx Copies ?? - 10/30/2002 6:28:06 PM   


Posts: 83
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You'll be able to copy it, but you'll still need a modchip in order to play it on the PSX. Unfortunately, PSX disks have some form of unique identifier on them that cannot be copied, so even a 1:1 copy won't be usable without a modchip.

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Post #: 2
RE: How I make Psx Copies ?? - 10/31/2002 5:35:12 AM   


Posts: 1457
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Yes... A mod chip is a must, but you can make backups using Alcohol 120% just use the PSX profile when backing it up...


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Post #: 3
RE: How I make Psx Copies ?? - 10/31/2002 7:55:48 PM   


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From: Brazil
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Originally posted by Tron

Yes... A mod chip is a must, but you can make backups using Alcohol 120% just use the PSX profile when backing it up...

Man, tell me something...
I use alchol 120%, ok, i made a perfect copy.
Now i need a bootcd for playstation? or no? i just put the cd in psx then it works without a bootcd ??
In conectixVGS, the copy works great than as original copy.

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Post #: 4
RE: How I make Psx Copies ?? - 11/1/2002 1:44:04 AM   


Posts: 1457
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From: USA
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Nope, you can not make an exact copy of a PSX game. There is no software to do this. You will need to have a chipped PSX machine or in the case of those PSX one units you will need to buy a boot disk. Either way works.....


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Post #: 5
RE: How I make Psx Copies ?? - 11/1/2002 4:50:39 AM   

Posts: 3285
Joined: 9/14/2002
From: Vancouver, B.C. Canada
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There was a rumour that if you did a 1:1 copy of a playstation game onto a CD-R with a black burnable surface, then you wouldn't need a mod-chip. THIS IS FALSE. You ALWAYS need a mod-chip

Here's a question though:
I make a lot of playstation backups, and I've developed the habit of running Nero CD Speed after EVERY burn to check the BLER. I've been noticing that almost every Playstation game burns with 1 or 2 unreadable blocks. Regardless of burning speed or medium (for those that are interested, I've tried CMC, Ritek and Prodisc). I'm guessing that they were either bad rips (not done by me), or it's just a type of copy protection (since they ALWAYS appear in the same spot). But I would like peoples opinions on it.

I burned the same game 5 times before giving up (The game was "Sheep" if it helps). 9 times out of 10 the game loads fine and plays normally.


Canada; Leading the world in being just north of the U.S.A.

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Post #: 6
RE: How I make Psx Copies ?? - 11/1/2002 3:50:45 PM   


Posts: 4
Joined: 10/30/2002
From: Brazil
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ok... So i always need a bootcd if i have no modchip in my psx ??
the funny is that the copy works greatly in a psx emulator called VGS.
I needed no bootcd to play this on my computer...
ps: Will be mine playstation unlocked? I do not have original game, with the deep black color... only games with deep white. I never bought cds original with deep black color, only white...

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Post #: 7
RE: How I make Psx Copies ?? - 11/1/2002 4:06:46 PM   
Laffin Assassin

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xlord & Dolphinius_Rex
Well in that case Please do not ASK for help on our Forum we are only here to help People to make Backups of their Legally Purchessed Original Programs we do not condone giving help to people who want help to Pirate Software as this is Illegal in most Countries !!!


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Post #: 8
RE: How I make Psx Copies ?? - 11/1/2002 10:12:10 PM   

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From: Vancouver, B.C. Canada
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Laffin: technically you're wrong. You are a allowed (in Canada, and I *THINK* the US as well) to have a sample copy for a period of no greater then 24 hours. You then have to destroy the CD, or buy the original. However, I deal in Japanese games that CAN'T be purchased over in North America ANYWAY. Other then the Japanese games, I DO purchase the ones I like, and I throw out the ones I don't. Very simple policy, and cheaper then renting.

However, my question doesn't really delve into that, So let's keep it simple. PSX CDs, do they generally have unreadable blocks on them that are copied when the copy is 1:1?


Canada; Leading the world in being just north of the U.S.A.

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Post #: 9
RE: How I make Psx Copies ?? - 11/1/2002 10:56:05 PM   
Laffin Assassin

Posts: 4642
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That is not the Issue !!!
The Issue is we will not allow anyone to either to post Help or ask for help for Pirating Software on our Forum and if I see you posting anything else condoning Pirating Software or putting anything else accusing other shops of doing Illegal Things which you have not got any real Proof of and is only hearsay (which you have done in the past) I will just delete all of your previous posts and reset you back to 0 and a Starting Member. You have been warned before and there will be no more warnings so now it is up to YOU !!!


Speaking Without Thinking, Is Like Shooting Without Aiming !!!

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Post #: 10
RE: How I make Psx Copies ?? - 11/1/2002 11:56:58 PM   


Posts: 62
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You are a allowed (in Canada, and I *THINK* the US as well) to have a sample copy for a period of no greater then 24 hours.

Sorry, you're wrong. This was invented by pirates to convince people to be on their side.



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Post #: 11
RE: How I make Psx Copies ?? - 11/2/2002 12:05:11 AM   

Posts: 5448
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Exactally CORRECT!!!! You are not allowed to copy anyone's software, games, or audio for a period of 24 hours! Horsepucky!!!!! Get some reality... That is plain pirating.... We DO NOT condone pirating of software in this forum... Please refrain from mentioning it again.


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Post #: 12
RE: How I make Psx Copies ?? - 11/2/2002 1:10:58 AM   

Posts: 3285
Joined: 9/14/2002
From: Vancouver, B.C. Canada
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Originally posted by SirDavidGuy

You are a allowed (in Canada, and I *THINK* the US as well) to have a sample copy for a period of no greater then 24 hours.

Sorry, you're wrong. This was invented by pirates to convince people to be on their side.

Sir David Guy: If what you say is true then I am in the wrong.

My apologies to the forum, my intent was not to encourage piracy, and I will desist from this topic. Again, sorry.


Canada; Leading the world in being just north of the U.S.A.

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Post #: 13
RE: How I make Psx Copies ?? - 11/2/2002 1:18:59 AM   
Laffin Assassin

Posts: 4642
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Well just think on next time there will be no Warning !!!


Speaking Without Thinking, Is Like Shooting Without Aiming !!!

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Post #: 14
RE: How I make Psx Copies ?? - 11/2/2002 1:50:10 PM   


Posts: 1457
Joined: 3/6/2000
From: USA
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No problem, you have to understand that we dont allow it here because we do not want to get shut down. We just do the legal stuff here....


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Post #: 15
RE: How I make Psx Copies ?? - 8/19/2006 1:58:35 AM   


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There is an alternative to playing burnt games, You can do it without a modchip.



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