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ASUS + CloneCD Kills Unleashed   Logged in as: Guest
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ASUS + CloneCD Kills Unleashed - 10/9/2002 3:41:42 PM   


Posts: 40
Joined: 9/6/2002
From: Australia
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Got it, finally.

Read & Write by ASUS CRW-4816A FW: 1.0 DAO-RAW; Master on IDE 1
TDK Gold 80' 40x rated (spindle of 50 at Harvey Norman or JB HiFi for Aussies)
Adaptec's ASPI 4.60 (incidental to success, I suspect)

Works in all burners with Hide CD-R Media: ASUS 40 & 48, Lite-on 24102b, 32123S & 40125S and Toshi 1202. Works in LTD-163 and Toshi 1402 DVD-ROMs. Other devices not yet tested...but looking good, eh?

Here are my settings:

[CloneCD ReadPrefs]

[CloneCD WritePrefs]
WriteSpeed=0 Max

The Sims was clean installed using the D-Tools fastdump process. I rebooted, then I installed Unleashed, again using the fastdump process (you can tell by the speed of the error skipping below).

I think it was the media that did it; I had been using Imation Silver 32x. The only other change I made was to untick Close Last Session (which is not needed anyway).

I 9:59:22 PM CloneCD Version started!
I 9:59:22 PM ElbyCDIO Driver
I 9:59:22 PM ElbyCDIO.dll
I 9:59:22 PM CCDDriver.dll
I 9:59:22 PM ElbyECC.dll
I 9:59:22 PM Registered to: a registered user!
I 9:59:22 PM Searching for SCSI/ATAPI devices...
I 9:59:22 PM Device Scan found 5 CD-ROMs and 4 CD-Writers!
I 9:59:47 PM Starting copy from ASUS CRW-4816A to H:\unleashed.ccd
I 9:59:47 PM Read Speed for Data Tracks: Maximum
I 9:59:47 PM Read Speed for Audio Tracks: Maximum
I 9:59:47 PM Read SubChannel Data from Data Tracks: No
I 9:59:47 PM Read SubChannel Data from Audio Tracks: No
I 9:59:47 PM Fast Error Skip: Yes
I 9:59:47 PM Don't report read errors: No
I 9:59:47 PM Intelligent Bad Sector Scanner: No
I 9:59:47 PM CD contains CD-Text: No
I 9:59:47 PM Reading Track 1... (Blocks 0-335411)
W 9:59:48 PM Failed to read Sector 823
W 9:59:48 PM Failed to read Sector 824
W 9:59:48 PM Failed to read Sector 844
W 9:59:48 PM Failed to read Sector 869
I 9:59:48 PM Fast Error Skip has been enabled automatically!
W 9:59:48 PM Failed to read Sector 890
W 9:59:48 PM Failed to read Sector 910
W 9:59:48 PM Failed to read Sector 915
W 9:59:48 PM Failed to read Sector 935
W 9:59:48 PM Failed to read Sector 956
W 9:59:48 PM Failed to read Sector 976
W 9:59:48 PM Failed to read Sector 981
W 9:59:48 PM Failed to read Sector 1001
W 9:59:48 PM Failed to read Sector 1022
W 9:59:48 PM Failed to read Sector 1039


W 9:59:51 PM Failed to read Sector 9946
W 9:59:51 PM Failed to read Sector 9966
W 9:59:51 PM Failed to read Sector 9991
W 9:59:51 PM Failed to read Sector 10011
W 9:59:51 PM Failed to read Sector 10012
W 9:59:51 PM Failed to read Sector 10032
W 9:59:51 PM Failed to read Sector 10037
I 9:59:52 PM Fast Error Skip has been disabled automatically!
I 10:02:05 PM Duration of operation: 00:02:18
I 10:02:05 PM Average Speed: 5703 kBytes/s (32.41)
I 10:02:05 PM Reading finished!

I 10:07:18 PM CloneCD Version started!
I 10:07:18 PM ElbyCDIO Driver
I 10:07:18 PM ElbyCDIO.dll
I 10:07:18 PM CCDDriver.dll
I 10:07:18 PM ElbyECC.dll
I 10:07:18 PM Registered to: a registered user!
I 10:07:18 PM Searching for SCSI/ATAPI devices...
I 10:07:19 PM Device Scan found 5 CD-ROMs and 4 CD-Writers!
I 10:08:28 PM Starting copy from H:\unleashed.ccd to ASUS CRW-4816A
I 10:08:28 PM Write Speed: Maximum
I 10:08:28 PM Don't repair SubChannel Data: No
I 10:08:28 PM Amplify weak sectors: No
I 10:08:28 PM Write Simulation: No
I 10:08:28 PM Buffer Underrun Protection: Yes
I 10:08:29 PM Writing Session 1 LeadIn...
I 10:08:45 PM Writing Session 1 image file...
I 10:10:55 PM Writing Session 1 LeadOut...
I 10:10:57 PM Flushing buffers...
I 10:10:57 PM Duration of operation: 00:02:28
I 10:10:57 PM Average Speed: 5574 kBytes/s (31.67)
I 10:10:58 PM Writing finished!

More details here

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RE: ASUS + CloneCD Kills Unleashed - 10/9/2002 4:55:58 PM   


Posts: 4038
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What was the problem with The Sims3 in the first place? I saw it contains new SD2 2.8x..


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RE: ASUS + CloneCD Kills Unleashed - 10/9/2002 5:59:55 PM   


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Originally posted by john

What was the problem with The Sims3 in the first place? I saw it contains new SD2 2.8x..

Sims3? Dunno. Unleashed is not copying with CloneCD - only Bulk from was able to get a partial (doesn't work everywhere) and he got that a few days ago. The Sims, before installation of Unleashed, is SD v1.40.004, after installation of Unleashed the .EXE is patched to v2.80.010. Disc 1 has the error sectors. Mafia is the last SD2 version (v2.70.030) to copied by recognised SD2 butta cuttas and 'almost correct' burners using AWS.

The only complete successes to date have been reads using DiscDump with burns by recognised SD2 butta cuttas. Read and write logs as well as some pics are here



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RE: ASUS + CloneCD Kills Unleashed - 10/9/2002 11:52:23 PM   


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Yes i ment not Sims3 but the Sims ([:I])

Only the Sims with the official patch contain now SD2 2.80.x build?


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RE: ASUS + CloneCD Kills Unleashed - 10/10/2002 1:53:14 AM   


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RE: ASUS + CloneCD Kills Unleashed - 10/10/2002 2:16:28 PM   


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Interesting. maybe we should update from Serious Sam2 that contains 2.60.x build


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RE: ASUS + CloneCD Kills Unleashed - 10/10/2002 4:33:03 PM   


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Serious Sam: Second Encounter was released with 2.51.021, same as MOHAA & Renegade. I don't know what any of the official patches did, like Max Payne, for example, which went from 2.3.x to 2.4.x (+ATIP Check) with the first patch. It was .021 that knocked a *lot* of burners over. It didn't auger well with Tiger Woods USA Tour 2002 which had .020 and, as we know, blew the Plextors away.

Mafia, (2.7.x), is the last SD2 version that the Lite-on seems to be able to do universally, or the Plex with AWS. The Sims Unleashed has waxed everything except DiscDump for the read. My DiscJuggler copy of Unleashed actually works everywhere unlike my CloneCD copy which fails to work in an ASUS CD-ROM (but nothing seems to work in it anyway ;))

If using a range of SD2 versions for a comprehensive test, I'd go for The Sims (1.2.x), Max Payne (2.3 pre-ATIP), something in 2.4 (+ATIP), Tiger Woods at 2.51.020, SS:SE at 2.51.021, Mafia at 2.7 and Unleashed at 2.8 These are the titles I use for testing new burners. The distinction between .020 and .021 is important and not understood well. If a burner can do .020 there's no guarantee that it can do .021 and it's the move to .021 that's important (or rather *was*). Now it's the ability to defeat Mafia *and* Unleashed, even if it's not using CloneCD



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RE: ASUS + CloneCD Kills Unleashed - 10/10/2002 8:19:51 PM   


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The MaxPayne with latest update went to SD2 v2.50.020 version. Latest SS2 update goes up to 2.60.020 (if i remember correctly). Maybe we should add the "Sims Unleashed" that contains latest SD 2.80.x version. Is this an expansion pack of "The Sims" or a totally new game?


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RE: ASUS + CloneCD Kills Unleashed - 10/11/2002 2:10:41 AM   


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Thanks for the info. Unleashed is a two-disc expansion pack; Disc #1 is the play disc with the errors - no need to backup #2, it just goes back in the box. It's about pets - ugh, but my daughter likes it! *Note*: One needs the original disc of The Sims (or a working backup) during the install



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Post #: 9
RE: ASUS + CloneCD Kills Unleashed - 10/11/2002 11:52:17 AM   


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Thanks for the tip! We will add new SD2 version when it comes available here.

Btw we now found two new drives that doesn't play non 100% accurate backups: BTC BDV16 (16X DVD-ROM) and TEAC CD-552E (52X CD-ROM). We already used Creative 52X and TEAC 40X CD-ROMS...

PS. There is a new 52X drive that can do SD2 2.51.021+ but doesn't come either from LiteOn or ASUS. More in the upcoming review [:p]


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Post #: 10
RE: ASUS + CloneCD Kills Unleashed - 10/11/2002 3:08:34 PM   

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For the 2.40.010 SD2 version, we could use FIFA 2002!


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Post #: 11
RE: ASUS + CloneCD Kills Unleashed - 10/12/2002 3:09:47 AM   


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Originally posted by FutureProof

Thanks for the info. Unleashed is a two-disc expansion pack; Disc #1 is the play disc with the errors - no need to backup #2, it just goes back in the box. It's about pets - ugh, but my daughter likes it! *Note*: One needs the original disc of The Sims (or a working backup) during the install

After your post, we bought the Sims and the latest "Unleashed". You are right that CloneCD cannot backup the "Unleashed" disc, while the Padus DJ can! We tried with two different readers, using two drives that can do SD2 2.51.021+ without any issues, either with amplify enabled/disabled and the result was always the same...Non working backcup.

The PadusDJ make an accurate copy without any issue. Strange result for CloneCD, maybe the king is no longer No1? Probably the problem is at the fast skip error reading engine...


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Post #: 12
RE: ASUS + CloneCD Kills Unleashed - 10/12/2002 8:53:46 AM   


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Originally posted by john

You are right that CloneCD cannot backup the "Unleashed" disc...

...while the Padus DJ can! The PadusDJ make an accurate copy without any issue.

Probably the problem is at the fast skip error reading engine...

Mmmmm, just my ASUS 48x so far can do it perfectly. Bulk has got a backup that works in bibs & bobs, he has posted under "Unexpected Results..." here.

My Unleashed backup won't play in my ASUS CD-ROM (veeeeery picky) but my DJ backup does! VeNoM386 still says DJ is the best SD reader. My DJ logs are here after the CloneCD logs for Unleashed.

I'm going to try no FES using the Liteons...




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Post #: 13
RE: ASUS + CloneCD Kills Unleashed - 10/14/2002 12:45:50 AM   


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Our CloneCD backups won't play at all in 3 CD-ROM that being used for SD2 status. The DJ backups worked just fine. So something is wrong! Hopefuly Olli will fix this soon...


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Post #: 14
RE: ASUS + CloneCD Kills Unleashed - 10/14/2002 9:35:03 PM   


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Some People are claiming success with Alcohol 120% too.... I have not tried it yet.....


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Post #: 15
RE: ASUS + CloneCD Kills Unleashed - 10/15/2002 4:47:08 AM   


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That leads us to the conclusion that CloneCD's skip engine has a problem...


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