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RE: Burning PS2 Games - 1/31/2003 11:36:06 PM   


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Joined: 1/31/2003
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Ok i have a sony dvd cd combo burner for all and any formats, mod chip and i have bin/cue files. Now how do i burn those bin/cue files of my ps2 games onto a cd or dvd or what?

(in reply to bigbaddaboom)
Post #: 49
RE: Burning PS2 Games - 2/10/2003 1:09:15 AM   


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alrighty, i wanna a couple of things. i've been reading the replies but i still dont get it:

*whats a modchip?
*where can i get it?
*is there a website where i can see it?
*i have a dvd burner and reader.
*what program should i use?(im asking because everyone is saying "this and that" so i need some one to be specific)
*and please if u could email it to me i would be very grateful.

thanx for this thread to help me get a little knowledge on burning ps2 games but i need more help. thank you

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Post #: 50
RE: Burning PS2 Games - 3/24/2003 6:03:25 AM   


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Before to tell anything ,i want you to excuse me, because of my terrible english.
I have seen by Internet a great number of programs to copy games of
ps 2....These programs,really work, like any other program to copy CD?(like Easy cd creator ,nero burning,etc.)or they just give you the infirmation , about how to copy a game?....Is there any program that make really easy copy of ps 2 games ?..Please let me know it.

Beside has mentioned something interesting... I can copy a game of ps
2 with format dvd, with a burner of dvd in a disc of 4,7 GB?.....Is
this really possible....Is this really work with all the ps2 games?

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Post #: 51
RE: Burning PS2 Games - 3/24/2003 12:55:05 PM   


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As for getting a ModChip, just go to and type in ModChip and see what it finds....


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Post #: 52
RE: Burning PS2 Games - 3/25/2003 3:54:06 AM   


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I was just wondering if anyone has used the gameshark2 with a backup ps2 game. Do you have to open the ps2 manually? Does it work automatically? I am trying to decide if that would be easier than a modchip. Any replies would be helpful

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Post #: 53
RE: Burning PS2 Games - 4/19/2003 4:25:08 AM   


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Originally posted by Tron

Okay, the best program to do PS2 DVD-R's is Prassi Primo DVD Replicator, follow these instructions

1. Start Primo
2. Click "go to full application"
3. Click the drive that is your DVD-R
4. Choose a path for the image (preferably NTFS drive)
5. Right click on drive
6. Then click global image, Then build (this extracts the dvd)
7. Then just burn the .gi (global image) of the game with a DVD burner.

Where can i download Prassi Primo DVD Replicator

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Post #: 54
RE: Burning PS2 Games - 5/1/2003 8:53:27 AM   


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The Best program to use to copy PS2 games is the DVD Decrypytor. I swear by it. I have now burned 20/20 games with this software.

It is also so easy to use.

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Post #: 55
RE: Burning PS2 Games - 7/1/2003 5:42:30 PM   


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Since we are on the topic of burning PS2 games and DVD's. I was thinking and wondering if this was possible and if anyone has ever thought about it. Also, how would it work? I don't seem to think that it would.

What if you were able to backup your PS2 games onto a computer harddrive, and connect the PS2 to the PC in someway that it would allow you to play your games from the HD of the PC. Think of it as a collection of your games to be played whenever you want without have to change disks...

Any ideas? or is this even possible?

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Post #: 56
RE: Burning PS2 Games - 7/15/2003 11:25:34 PM   


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Originally posted by grmrpr

The Best program to use to copy PS2 games is the DVD Decrypytor. I swear by it. I have now burned 20/20 games with this software.

It is also so easy to use.

Hi i was reading one of your messages today and have a few questions if you dont mind. Or if anyone knows any information concerning my issue please respond. I have a dvd-r/w burner and ps2 and have been burning dvds using dvd decryptor which is an excellent program. i sucessfully ripped a dvd and played it on my all my sony dvd players although it didnt work on my ps2. How can i make it work? Do i need a modchip? Also how can i rip ps2 games using this program or another program if anyone has suggestions? What format do ps2 games need to be decrypted into? i know there dvds but i mean do i need to put them in iso or ifo ect?

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Post #: 57
RE: Burning PS2 Games - 7/16/2003 2:22:58 AM   


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Can you burn dvd ps2 games onto dvd+r's or do you need dvd-r's?

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Post #: 58
RE: Burning PS2 Games - 7/16/2003 12:09:34 PM   

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Since Sony's latest DVD recorders support both formats, it would be interesting to know more about the compatibility of the discs under PS2.



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Post #: 59
RE: Burning PS2 Games - 7/16/2003 5:33:36 PM   


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I have the new sony recorder and have played backup ps2 games on dvd-r and dvd+r. I have a v7 ps2, I have heard the earlier versions can only read -r, but i dont know if thats true.

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Post #: 60
RE: Burning PS2 Games - 7/17/2003 5:28:57 PM   

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From: Falkland Islands
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Based on the latest review of, this is not a surprise to us...



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Post #: 61
RE: Burning PS2 Games - 8/12/2003 11:08:41 PM   


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What's the best type of MODCHIP to use.

I'm looking at either Magic Modchip 3.1 or 3.6.

and how does Gameshark work (what exactly is it?)


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Post #: 62
RE: Burning PS2 Games - 8/13/2003 1:48:31 PM   

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I thing the best modchip to use is the Messiah 2
It has too many feautures.
You dont need a boot disk like game shark and its the less harmfull for your playstation 2 dvd layser
check it out here
The gameshark is a boot disk which you use to fool the ps2 console that the disc you insert is original
So you boot your ps2 with the game shark disk and ps2 starts reading the disk normally as an original one.After a while you are prompt to change the disk with the backup game you own and the game starts.

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Post #: 63
RE: Burning PS2 Games - 9/1/2003 11:29:34 PM   


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I've got an HP dvd burner, and the Slide Card from It will play original japanese games. I have burned a copy of a game, but when I use the slide card, the only thing I get is the loading screen forever. So while it is a copy, it is a non functional one. What have I done wrong? email is the best way to contact me. Even if you're telling me I'm retarted.

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Post #: 64
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