Originally posted by SirDavidGuy
And that is where the philosophies of the two differ.
One is based towards helping others, the other about learning more in order to create that which others can use to help others.
I know what you mean by that, and I like to think CDRInfo offers the latter, also.
I mean, can you honestly say there are any better hardware reviews of optical drives (be they DVD/CD recorders, CD/DVD-ROM's and miscellanious hardware [MP3 palyers etc.]) anywhere [?]
Look even at the latest CDFreaks CRW-F1 review - if it used
half the test methology of the CRW-F1 CDRInfo one it would be suberb. It provides a more general "opinion" (does the CDFreaks review/s), rather than technical correctness. CDRInfo boasts some of the best error correction tests avaliable...
But I cannot knock CDFReaks reviews, they are a good second opinion, are layed out very well, and include the 'usual' benchmarks all good reviews need, essentially.