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99min media - 8/3/2002 9:20:52 AM   


Posts: 4038
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From: Greece
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Q: Why its so hard for some drives to read/write 99min CDs?

A: CD-R media that recorded over 95min cannot be read from all CD-RW drives. These kind of media has two address:

a) At the inside - theoretical- (ATIP) area
b) Outside -real address-

CD-RW drives cannot judje which address to read (inside or outside)..

Other drives(Audio CD Player/CD-ROM Drive) can not read the theoretical address inside. Therefore,can read 99min recorded CD-R.

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Post #: 1
RE: 99min media - 8/22/2002 3:11:26 PM   
planks law


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That means absolutly nothing to me...straight over my head!!!I dont suppose you could explain it a bit better could you? Thanks

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Post #: 2
RE: 99min media - 8/22/2002 5:14:33 PM   


Posts: 62
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A: CD-R media that recorded over 95min cannot be read from all CD-RW drives. These kind of media has two address:

a) At the inside - theoretical- (ATIP) area
b) Outside -real address-

CD-RW drives cannot judje which address to read (inside or outside)..

Other drives(Audio CD Player/CD-ROM Drive) can not read the theoretical address inside. Therefore,can read 99min recorded CD-R.

This isn't true.

The ATIP of any disc has a max of 80 min, so according to your theory, any CD longer than 80 min is just as hard to read and write as a 99 min cd. The ATIP is only avaliable with a special MMC read command, which wouldn't be used in typical reading anyway.

As for the sector addressing, it allows up to 99 min, so there's no problem there.

CD Freaks Mod

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Post #: 3
RE: 99min media - 8/23/2002 4:10:13 AM   


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Actually the problem with 99min media is higher with some CD-RW drives and with some (older) readers. For example all Sanyo based drives can record and read up to 93mins, while Plextor drives up to 95mins.

As i said, most CD-ROM/DVD-ROM cannot read ATIP information so they have higher compatibility with 90+ mins media.

Most of the 90min media doesn't include two addresses so no problem there.

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Post #: 4
RE: 99min media - 8/23/2002 3:30:39 PM   


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As i said, most CD-ROM/DVD-ROM cannot read ATIP information so they have higher compatibility with 90+ mins media

And it doesn't make it any more true.

Most of the 90min media doesn't include two addresses so no problem there.

90 min media (or all media, for that matter) don't have any addresses on them until they are burned.

CD Freaks Mod

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Post #: 5
RE: 99min media - 8/23/2002 4:29:36 PM   
planks law


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It all still means nothing to me and possibly hundreds more of your subscribers, such as addresses whether they be inside or outside

I haven't failed. I've found 10,000 ways that don't work!!!

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Post #: 6
RE: 99min media - 8/23/2002 10:29:11 PM   


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It all still means nothing to me and possibly hundreds more of your subscribers, such as addresses whether they be inside or outside

This is nonsense, forget it.

What (I think) he's talking about is that the ATIP max is limited to 80 min. However, ATIP is not required for reading, even a CD-R drive will not check it for a simple READ_CD command. In theory, any drive which can read an overburned disc (no matter how little overburned) can read a 99 min disc, but in practice, most drives cannot read such tightly spun discs (even though they are technically allowed).

CD Freaks Mod

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Post #: 7
RE: 99min media - 8/24/2002 8:38:16 AM   


Posts: 4038
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Some CD-RW drives (like Sanyo) have limited their overburning/reading capabilities up to 93mins cause of our explanation, at least according to their information

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Post #: 8
RE: 99min media - 9/13/2002 9:26:41 PM   
Hannes Mansson


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HI guys. Im so lost when it comes to CD media but... I bought 900 megs CDr discs and now I wonder if my Memorex CD-RW recorder model 1040 (24x10x42) can write on them. Please don't start to talk about ATIP (I also got a DVD rom to read discs but that is NOT an recorder)

SO what I get out of there post is that I can read a 99 min Cd.
But can my memorex burn 99min /900 megs info?

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Post #: 9
RE: 99min media - 9/13/2002 11:56:40 PM   


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If you download Nero CD Speed, it has the ability to do an overburn test. You can test your drive to see if it will overburn.


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Post #: 10
RE: 99min media - 9/14/2002 10:35:45 AM   
Hannes Mansson


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Nice info Tron. Just one problem. If I open my 25 pack I cant change it if id does not work. =(
And I can't buy singel discs woth 99min just 90 min. SO I guess I will try that first. Thank you again Tron!!

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Post #: 11
RE: 99min media - 9/14/2002 1:25:39 PM   


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LOL... you are in a pickle... Well if it wont work you can always donate those discs to a Mod on CDRINFO...LOL...


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Post #: 12
RE: 99min media - 9/14/2002 1:49:01 PM   
Hannes Mansson


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Can I still burn on the 99 min CDs? but maybe just 90 min?

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Post #: 13
RE: 99min media - 9/14/2002 2:22:50 PM   


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The discs will still work for you. If your burner is not able to burn out that far they will just burn to what the writer is capable of doing. So go ahead and open one and do an overburn test.


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Post #: 14
RE: 99min media - 9/14/2002 3:03:08 PM   
Hannes Mansson


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I was awya bought 3 800 meg discs too =) So now I got 20 700, 3 800 and 25 900 >=) Weeeee, my burner can burt atleast a whole 800 meg CD

(89.57) Nero sad that was max for that CD, If I wasnt to know the max capacy (can't spell it) I had to insert a larger "medium" So I guess I can write enough.

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Post #: 15
RE: 99min media - 9/29/2002 11:10:09 PM   
Laffin Assassin

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Originally posted by Tron

LOL... you are in a pickle... Well if it wont work you can always donate those discs to a Mod on CDRINFO...LOL...

Yeah and it would be cheaper to post them to the UK than it would to the USA !!!


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Post #: 16
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