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Can anyone help? - 12/11/2001 8:46:30 PM   


Posts: 3
Joined: 12/11/2001
From: United Kingdom
Status: offline
I might not be the most technically minded person, but I can't understand what's happening here. I've been copying cd's with no problems, but occassionally, if I am copying a copy, I'll get the message "The disc is dirty and cannot be copied". The disc's aren't dirty, so I can only assume there is some sort of protection on it. Has anyone come across this before, and is there a solution???


Post #: 1
RE: Can anyone help? - 12/12/2001 7:59:04 AM   


Posts: 10
Joined: 12/12/2001
From: Australia
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Can you give some Info on what you are trying to backup ie game/program & name of It. And what burner you have also software you used to try to backup settings also could help.

(in reply to Beryltheperyl)
Post #: 2
RE: Can anyone help? - 12/12/2001 5:13:17 PM   


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Joined: 12/11/2001
From: United Kingdom
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ok, it was a programme called Record Now, which is by Hewlitt Packard, and you should be able to copy an exact copy with no problems, especially if the disc you are copying is already copied. It was Tony Hawkes Pro-skater 2, for the Playstation this time (Its also done it with Tomb Raider 2 as well - must be something to do with the sequals!) Basically, the software is an idiots guide, and you get a button that says "Do you want an exact copy of this disc?" and I click "yes" and away we go. Because this has occurred, its thrown me, and there are so many other burning programmes, that I don't know which one to get to get over this problem. Is there something this other guy could be doing to protect his business??


(in reply to Beryltheperyl)
Post #: 3
RE: Can anyone help? - 12/12/2001 7:13:38 PM   


Posts: 3
Joined: 12/11/2001
From: United Kingdom
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I think I may have found the solution!!! Reading the Q&A for CloneCD, it says that if a copy has been made using CloneCD, you have to use this programme to make further copies because of a protection on it. So hopefully, if I assume he is using this programme, once I've downloaded it, there shouldn't be a problem........should there???

(in reply to Beryltheperyl)
Post #: 4
RE: Can anyone help? - 12/13/2001 5:04:40 PM   


Posts: 74
Joined: 11/11/2001
From: United Kingdom
Status: offline

I think I may have found the solution!!! Reading the Q&A for CloneCD, it says that if a copy has been made using CloneCD, you have to use this programme to make further copies because of a protection on it. So hopefully, if I assume he is using this programme, once I've downloaded it, there shouldn't be a problem........should there???

Clonecd is a brill program,but every now and then i have trouble backing-up a backup when using Clonecd..?I dont get any error messages whilst burning but when i try to run my new backup it`s Duff..?
I then resort to using Discjuggler and have no problems this maybe due to the original backup was created using Discjuggler but i`m not sure.
try downloading a program called ClonyXL final it`s great for detecting cd protections...Good Luck...


(in reply to Beryltheperyl)
Post #: 5
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