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Upgrading Firmware - 9/15/2006 11:02:37 AM   


Posts: 3
Joined: 9/15/2006
Status: offline
Hi All,

My SONY DW-Q30A may need a firmware upgrade.  I have downloaded one from this "CDRinf" site.  Having now reviewed the forum posts on firmware upgrades, it seems that most efforts to upgrade go wrong.

Because of this, I am afraid to try upgrading.

Has anyone got anything to say to make me feel better about upgrading?

Post #: 1
RE: Upgrading Firmware - 9/15/2006 9:11:53 PM   

Posts: 1493
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Make sure the drive is empty and turn off your virus scanner during the flash.  It is a piece of cake.  I've never had a flash go bad on me.

Oh, and hope you don't loose power durning the flash!!!

(in reply to zembu)
Post #: 2
RE: Upgrading Firmware - 9/16/2006 10:15:48 AM   


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Joined: 9/15/2006
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Hi SithTracy,

Thanks for your response, which does give me more confidence. But things that cause me concern - Following is from "The Windows Advisor" re CD/DVD burner Firmware updating;

"Normally the file is zipped.  After unzipping there should be two files, the Firmware Update and a flash program (.EXE file).  Some manufacturers separate the flash file and firmware update."

So- first concern - the file from CDRinf is an .exe file - is it a zipped file, or is it only the flash? What is the difference between what Windows Advisor calls the flash and the Firmware Update?  I had understood that the Firmware Update is the flash.

Next - to apply the flash - Windows Advisor says; (for XP) Create a MS-DOS startup disc and copy to it the Flash program and the Firmware Update.  Put the disc in the computer and restart.  At the DOS prompt enter the flash program name, and the flash program introductory screen will appear.  Enter the path and name of the firmware file on the floppy disc. Enter the exact name of the Firmware File on the floppy.  Once flash process complete restart the PC.

Windows Advisor also says some flash programs don't have a GUI, in which case you have to figure out whether the drive is a Primary Master, Primary Slave, Secondary Master or Secondary Slave.

Would appreciate your comments.

Another thing, - I was looking for an update for a Sony CRX320EE, but can only find a CRX320E.  Do you think these are the same?

(in reply to SithTracy)
Post #: 3
RE: Upgrading Firmware - 9/16/2006 1:09:44 PM   

Posts: 1493
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Windows Advisor??? Blah!  That thing is telling you things that are a little out of date.  Most firmware updaters today can be run nativly in Windows and are self contained in a single executable file.  You just need to make sure the drive is empty and your active virus scanner is disabled... Also, the don't usually (unless you find a hack and really want to) allow you to upgrade an invalid drive...  Also, you will usually be prompted to reboot afterwards.

You say you have a Sony Q-30A, go here to get the latest firmware for it:  The Firmware Page/Sony Q-30A

Let go of the fear, and just do it.

Happy flashing/updating.

(in reply to zembu)
Post #: 4
RE: Upgrading Firmware - 9/17/2006 5:46:11 PM   


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Joined: 9/15/2006
Status: offline
Hi SithTracy,

OK will do as you suggest, but not for few days as will be away for a bit. Will advise you how I get on in a week or so.  Thanks again.

(in reply to SithTracy)
Post #: 5
RE: Upgrading Firmware - 9/22/2006 4:22:50 AM   


Posts: 347
Joined: 6/29/2006
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Hi friend! Firmware flashing is very easy, just run the .exe file and make sure you don't run anythink at the same time the flasher works or you have a power cut

(in reply to zembu)
Post #: 6
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