Nero 6 DVD Copy Question (Full Version)

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dgm0225 -> Nero 6 DVD Copy Question (12/19/2004 2:45:56 PM)

Hey all...just a quickie if anyone has any knowledge of Nero 6.6 suite which I just installed. I tried to use the DVD Copy option to copy a movie DVD on loan from a friend for the first time. It copied the image of the DVD no problem which was 7.7GB/size but when I put in my 4.7GB dvd-r media, it reported that there was not sufficient space on this media to complete the copy - no surprise there.

I'm new to DVD burning so I'm hoping someone can help with two questions. One of the reasons I got Nero 6 is that I was told its an all in one package that will rip and shrink to fit DVD's be them movies, TV, porn, games whatever so that these would fit on a normal sized piece of DVD 4.7GB media. If anyone can help me to understand of point me somewhere to read about this that woudl be great....the nero help files suck as does their website in terms of help.

Also, if anyone is familiar with WHERE nero temporarily stores the image file and what the file format is, I would appreciate knowing about that too....right now I've down 7.7GB of disk space and I've run searches and can't file the file to delete it....


MP3Mogul -> RE: Nero 6 DVD Copy Question (12/19/2004 5:34:33 PM)

If you haven't changed windows default, it's either in DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS, or whever you last copied to.

As far as making the file fit, you need DVD SHRINK.

Iggy -> RE: Nero 6 DVD Copy Question (12/20/2004 5:35:43 AM)

Get DVD Shrink, it is freeware and the best.

dgm0225 -> RE: Nero 6 DVD Copy Question (12/20/2004 8:56:55 AM)

Thanks for the tip! Gonna get DVD shrink.....but I still cannot find this large 7+GB file...I checked using windows search through my whole system + in the docs & settings folder since I never changed the default settings in Nero, and I still can't find it....where the hell could it be? I even searched each folder in documents and settings manually and couldn't find it.

I have alcohol 120 too and its got an image file search tool built into it that searches for all relevant file formats including *.nrg formats which is nero's native image format I believe, and even it didn't find anything.....bloody bizarre. We'll keep looking I guess....

Thanks again!


dgm0225 -> RE: Nero 6 DVD Copy Question (12/20/2004 8:57:23 AM)

Gonna get DVD shrink then - thanks for the tip!

tqhoang -> RE: Nero 6 DVD Copy Question (12/20/2004 10:24:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: dgm0225

Thanks for the tip! Gonna get DVD shrink.....but I still cannot find this large 7+GB file...I checked using windows search through my whole system + in the docs & settings folder since I never changed the default settings in Nero, and I still can't find it....where the hell could it be? I even searched each folder in documents and settings manually and couldn't find it.

I have alcohol 120 too and its got an image file search tool built into it that searches for all relevant file formats including *.nrg formats which is nero's native image format I believe, and even it didn't find anything.....bloody bizarre. We'll keep looking I guess....

Thanks again!


- Open Explorer and enable Hidden files and folders.
Tools->Folder Options->View->Advanced Settings
- Change directories to your %USERPROFILE% temp directory.
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp
- If you don't have anything open, you should be able to wipe out everything in the directory.

Happy hunting!

dgm0225 -> RE: Nero 6 DVD Copy Question (12/20/2004 11:20:45 AM)

Hey, thanks for tips! However, I already had enable Hidden files and folders checked in explorer....regardless, I've cleaned out my userprofile temp directory, but I still have 7GB+ worth of HDD space taken up...I can't understnad it....even when I use the windows search tool and enter the specific parameters like search for all files over 1GB etc., the seaarch STILL doesn't find the file. I've search for *.iso, *.nrg, *.img, *.mds & *.ifo files, and I can't find this damn image! I am out of ideas and don't know where else to search or what else to do.

I have also now installed DVD Shrink so I can shrink the image down to fit onto a DVD as per the advice from IGGY in the forum, but I can't find the image to shrink!

Any other ideas would be welcomed, and thanks allot for your help!



ORIGINAL: tqhoang


ORIGINAL: dgm0225

Thanks for the tip! Gonna get DVD shrink.....but I still cannot find this large 7+GB file...I checked using windows search through my whole system + in the docs & settings folder since I never changed the default settings in Nero, and I still can't find it....where the hell could it be? I even searched each folder in documents and settings manually and couldn't find it.

I have alcohol 120 too and its got an image file search tool built into it that searches for all relevant file formats including *.nrg formats which is nero's native image format I believe, and even it didn't find anything.....bloody bizarre. We'll keep looking I guess....

Thanks again!


- Open Explorer and enable Hidden files and folders.
Tools->Folder Options->View->Advanced Settings
- Change directories to your %USERPROFILE% temp directory.
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp
- If you don't have anything open, you should be able to wipe out everything in the directory.

Happy hunting!

MP3Mogul -> RE: Nero 6 DVD Copy Question (12/20/2004 6:05:06 PM)

Do an advanced search by filesize

dgm0225 -> RE: Nero 6 DVD Copy Question (12/20/2004 7:31:15 PM)

Again, already tried windows search on 1GB+, 3GB+ sized files.....seraches turned up nada

Doesn't make does not see the file in the search yet it must be there....its the only explaination for the used up drive space.

Iggy -> RE: Nero 6 DVD Copy Question (12/21/2004 4:21:51 AM)

Did you perform any disk cleanup? Also such large files cannot go to the recycle bin and are been deleted immidiately.

dgm0225 -> RE: Nero 6 DVD Copy Question (12/21/2004 9:34:04 AM)

Yup - I ran a disk cleanup a couple days ago and it did its thing but did not find the file. But its all good....I booted up my system this morning and it appears the issue is resolved - I've got 10.5GB free again. I rebooted my system many times during the course of my searches etc. and drive properties consistently showed only 3GB this was resolved is a mystery to me.

Thanks for your input on this one Iggy.....much appreciated.


Iggy -> RE: Nero 6 DVD Copy Question (12/21/2004 11:52:00 AM)

In the disk cleanup have you enable to delete temporary files?

dgm0225 -> RE: Nero 6 DVD Copy Question (12/21/2004 12:29:48 PM)

yes, I had temporary files checked during my disk cleanup....

MP3Mogul -> RE: Nero 6 DVD Copy Question (12/21/2004 8:55:46 PM)

Next time that happens, boot into safe mode then go into DOS. Go to the c:/> prompt and type:

del index.dat /s

this will clear all of windows indexed files.... then reboot

tqhoang -> RE: Nero 6 DVD Copy Question (12/22/2004 12:18:47 AM)

Another thing to try is to just try the DVD-Video copy again. When Nero Recode launches, it gives you a folder to pick for temporary files. On mine it defaulted to C:\Temp. That directory exists on my box but it's not what my %TEMP% or %TMP% directory is set to under WinXP.

philip_droppix -> RE: Nero 6 DVD Copy Question (12/22/2004 10:43:15 AM)

If you are new in DVD burning, why do you use Nero ??? Try Droppix Recorder... my favorite software !
It is user friendly, efficient, reliable and you don't need to be an expert to use it.... All the media are supported (including DVD-rom and dual-layer...).

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