SiliconFreak -> RE: IDE controller...Burning with Nero continued (1/10/2005 4:56:16 PM)
Hi Janet and welcome to our forum! [;)] How do You start? depends...which type of movies to burn? where to burn (cd,dvd,...)? Which burning program (is any) You use (or would like to use),...etc etc... So be more specific about what kind of movies would You like to burn and where to...? Anyway...I guess You cant miss with some Nero or any similar program like DVDXCOPY for DVD's...[;)] Like I said...tell me more about what exactly would You like to I could provide more step-by-step details also (because otherways i might write for hours about burning issues and other related info...but I guess that wont be of any help neither [8D][:D]).... And maybe MP3Mogul could help here also...I know he is more into music and MP3s...but...since he is IT Department Head...he should have some general knowledge to answer such questions...[8D][:D][:)][;)] Enjoy Janet...and have a nice time here...glad to have You onboard...[;)] *SILICON-OUT*