Playstation 2 backups??? (Full Version)

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Zeral1ty -> Playstation 2 backups??? (11/26/2004 7:03:17 PM)

Hey there guys!!!

I'm looking to backup my ps2 games. What software is the best to do this??? I have the NEC3500A dvdwriter and LiteOn 167T DVDRom. Thanx!!!

emperor -> RE: Playstation 2 backups??? (11/27/2004 2:10:26 PM)

DVD Decrypter will work just fine, its free

hotrod11 -> RE: Playstation 2 backups??? (12/7/2004 12:44:53 PM)

1. Will AnyDVD work also?

2. Then is it just a matter of making a one to one copy using a program like Nero's Disk copier?

3. Will it play in my Playstation, or do I need a mod chip or softmod? I am getting a new PS2 for Christmas and I don't want my son scratching the disks.

4. My son wants an XBOX. Can I backup those games too? Do I need any Mods?

BTW: I have a NEC3500 which I can Bitset +R to -ROM.

emperor -> RE: Playstation 2 backups??? (12/7/2004 4:28:35 PM)

AnyDVD have nothing to do with PS2 backups, just use DVD Decrypter's ISO read/write function for PS2 backups!

In order to play backups you need either a modchip or the PS2 HDD Loader products, check the Console forum for more info

Yes XBox as PS2 discs can make backups, in both cases modchips are needed

hotrod11 -> RE: Playstation 2 backups??? (12/7/2004 5:37:14 PM)

modchips.....damn. [:@]I was hoping PS2 backups were going to be as easy as DVD backups.....Load into PC. Press Go. Pop Popcorn. Collect backup Disc. Jam into DVD player. Crack open beer/soda and enjoy. Rats.[:-]

S33K3R -> RE: Playstation 2 backups??? (12/8/2004 3:55:06 PM)

don't forget to burn the backups you need to select slowest speed possible.

emperor -> RE: Playstation 2 backups??? (12/8/2004 4:56:03 PM)

hotrod11 there is the alternative way to use HDD Loader to avoid modchip and void warranty

hotrod11 -> RE: Playstation 2 backups??? (12/8/2004 5:36:15 PM)

What is an HDD Loader?
I've tried to read over the Console forum here and by googlin, but all the threads seem over my head unless you've been a PS2 or XBOXer for a long time, and all the guides I have read seem old.

Update: I just figured out what an HDD Loader is...something to allow you to play games off an external HardDrive.

In either case I have to spend more money on the console in order to play my backups. [:(] Doesn't sound that worth it to me.

emperor -> RE: Playstation 2 backups??? (12/8/2004 5:45:06 PM)

either way you would have to spend money, modchip or HDDLoader [8|]

adarkar -> RE: Playstation 2 backups??? (2/24/2005 9:44:30 AM)

Does bit-setting to DVD-ROM works? (I've just a LG 4163B)

Why the PS2 needs a modchip, exactly? Do it "recognize" it's not a pressed dvd?

Is it possible to modchip the new (slim) PS2 ?

Thanks... always the best site for Optical & more....

emperor -> RE: Playstation 2 backups??? (2/24/2005 1:31:57 PM)

Probably DVD-ROM Bitset might help, even i don't think the latest PS2 have problem with DVD+R/+RW media. Modchip is needed to defeat the anti-copy protection of PS2, it doesn't recognize as valid, your backups, i don't know about any modchips of the new slim PS2, but i imagine soon or later, something will come up!

adarkar -> RE: Playstation 2 backups??? (2/24/2005 2:28:08 PM)

Mhhhh right.

Actually, a friend of mine has bought that new slim PS2, and he asked me how to use backups (he has a child that likes to scratch PS2 games... lol [:D]).

Guess he has to wait for the right modchip.
By the way, according to italian law (I live in Italy) it is legal to "modchip" the consoles...


emperor -> RE: Playstation 2 backups??? (2/25/2005 8:27:16 AM)

yes at many countries modchips are illegal, but there are alway some people who install them anyway

psychopaat -> RE: Playstation 2 backups??? (3/9/2005 9:31:17 AM)

I have a Question that i would know..
does hdd loader loads a copied game on dvd-r or cd-r
withoud a modchip or something..?

really looking forward to your reply.. only if u know it for sure!!

emperor -> RE: Playstation 2 backups??? (3/9/2005 4:01:39 PM)

HD Loader can load backups from the HDD not DVD-R/CD-R

psychopaat -> RE: Playstation 2 backups??? (3/10/2005 1:13:35 PM)

yes i know but u understand my question wrong sorry..
before the game is on the harddisc.. there must be a game loaded from a disc u know.. and i wonder if he loads dvd-+r or cd -+ u get it??

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