Odd Audio from an MP3 disk (Full Version)

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guysmy -> Odd Audio from an MP3 disk (12/1/2002 10:35:51 PM)

I burned a TDK (Ritek) disk with my Yamaha CRW3200E with Nero. I burned it as a data CD since I can play MP3 files with my Toshiba SD3750 DVD Player.

I noticed that the vocal tracks sounded like someone put them through a blender on one of the albums I burned...when the MP3s sounded fine on my computer...

What are the possible problems? What gives?!!

MP3Mogul -> RE: Odd Audio from an MP3 disk (12/2/2002 2:26:35 AM)

Did you have any special selections with the disc, as normalization, etc???? or on that particular album. Was that album in MP3Pro format?

guysmy -> RE: Odd Audio from an MP3 disk (12/2/2002 7:09:06 AM)

Nope, I didn't apply any audio filters. I have no idea if it was in MP3Pro format as I did not rip the music.

I noticed that the drums sounded odd on the entire disk. The bass drum sounds like someone is wacking a pizza box with a stick. I had better luck with a disk I converted to audio format from MP3 in Nero. The drums sound much more natural...

MP3Mogul -> RE: Odd Audio from an MP3 disk (12/3/2002 12:50:08 AM)

If the others were fine, I am assuming, that particular recording was done in the MP3Pro format.

guysmy -> RE: Odd Audio from an MP3 disk (12/4/2002 4:05:37 AM)

I find that converting MP3 files to audio cd files improves the sound on the DVD player. Why is that?

Dolphinius_Rex -> RE: Odd Audio from an MP3 disk (12/4/2002 4:41:43 AM)

Originally posted by guysmy

I find that converting MP3 files to audio cd files improves the sound on the DVD player. Why is that?

Could be the MP3 Decoder your DVD player Uses...you could try using a Different codec for encoding your MP3s

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