Plextor 16/10/40 Reading/Burning ?? Help needed !! (Full Version)

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yupp -> Plextor 16/10/40 Reading/Burning ?? Help needed !! (10/6/2001 6:40:15 PM)

Im sooo confused ive been reading reviews about this burner and they all say it have problems with cd protections so i wonder whats the problem ?
To burn or to read it to a iso/image/clone cd file ?
I ordered this Plextor on a site and they havent sent it yet so i wonder if i
shall cancel the whole thing and buy another brand or ?
And im planning on buying a Cd-rom or a DVD to read the
protected medias ,what shall i buy i dont watch movies on computer but maybe Dvd´s are
better in reading ?Tell me what to buy dont want some s*** that reads wrong and fails
burning etc.

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