supermalha -> RE: nero read speed on direct cd copy (8/9/2004 5:15:50 PM)
hi ! about ASPI : With nero infotool i get : system ASPI : ASPI is not installed Nero ASPI : File : wnaspi32.dll , version : , date: december 16, 2003 about Nero Drivespeed: when you go to Options , you can add several different reading speeds , what i did !! In the main menu : normally, you select the speed on the left and the "current speed" on the right changes but, with me, the current speed is always set to 48X , wich i can't change !! I even restarted the computer , and the settings remain the same.... I went to Nero again, and the only reading speed you can choose, in direct cd copy, remains 48X