nero read speed on direct cd copy (Full Version)

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supermalha -> nero read speed on direct cd copy (8/8/2004 5:24:29 PM)

Hi !

When i try to do direct cd copy in Nero from Dvd-rom (asus dvd-e616p1)
to some recorder (pioneer dvr-ao7xl or Plextor cdrw-5224ta) i only get 48x reading speed !!

Is there a way to select lower reading speeds (reading from dvd-rom)?

These are usualy useful for me when reading scratchy cd's...

Thanx [:o]

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (8/8/2004 5:26:44 PM)

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supermalha -> RE: nero read speed on direct cd copy (8/8/2004 5:35:31 PM)

Hi !

ok, i know that...

But, when you are copying from CD-rom reader you have option to choose several reading speeds....

like : 4x, 8x ,16x , 24x, ... , 48x

If you are reading from DVD-rom reader, you only get 48x reading speed !!

What i want is the ability to choose lower reading speeds while reading from DVD-rom reader !

Can anyone help??

i tried putting cdrom.cfg from ahead software to nero's location and... nothing

i tried burn testcd.exe from ahead software and... nothing


supermalha -> RE: nero read speed on direct cd copy (8/8/2004 5:38:34 PM)

oh, sorry i forgot !!

Thanx for your welcome !!

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (8/8/2004 5:42:54 PM)

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supermalha -> RE: nero read speed on direct cd copy (8/8/2004 5:46:04 PM)

ok, i will wait !!

but, thanks all the same !!


Deleted User -> [Deleted] (8/9/2004 4:03:56 AM)

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emperor -> RE: nero read speed on direct cd copy (8/9/2004 6:30:45 AM)

How about using Nero DriveSpeed?

supermalha -> RE: nero read speed on direct cd copy (8/9/2004 5:15:50 PM)

hi !

about ASPI :

With nero infotool i get : system ASPI : ASPI is not installed

Nero ASPI : File : wnaspi32.dll , version : , date: december 16, 2003

about Nero Drivespeed:

when you go to Options , you can add several different reading speeds , what i did !!

In the main menu :

normally, you select the speed on the left and the "current speed" on the right changes

but, with me, the current speed is always set to 48X , wich i can't change !!

I even restarted the computer , and the settings remain the same....

I went to Nero again, and the only reading speed you can choose, in direct cd copy, remains 48X

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (8/9/2004 5:19:32 PM)

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supermalha -> RE: nero read speed on direct cd copy (8/9/2004 5:58:15 PM)

yes, if i add and select , still remain 48x

I installed ASPi, following instructions, and now i have version 4.6(1021)

But, i still cannot change reading speed to other than 48x

Laffin Assassin -> RE: nero read speed on direct cd copy (8/9/2004 6:01:11 PM)

Have you tried using any other Media and what Media are you using !!! [:)]

supermalha -> RE: nero read speed on direct cd copy (8/9/2004 6:11:12 PM)

hi, laffin !

I tried reading from recorded TDk, recorded MMore , and recorded Sony

supermalha -> RE: nero read speed on direct cd copy (8/9/2004 6:26:52 PM)

what you are saying happens with cd recorders ...

when some media is for example certified for 12x , nero , or the recorder, do not allow recording at , for example 20x

if , for example the media is certified for 48x, and if your cd-recorder allows, you can choose writing speeds
from 4x, to 48x


Laffin Assassin -> RE: nero read speed on direct cd copy (8/9/2004 6:37:49 PM)

What are you trying to copy ??? [:)]

supermalha -> RE: nero read speed on direct cd copy (8/9/2004 6:49:24 PM)

I tried copying a music cd, a data cd and a datacd (mp3) !!

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