Samsung 208f firmware update problem (Full Version)

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nicolaz -> Samsung 208f firmware update problem (8/25/2001 1:32:33 PM)

I have a SW208FE drive. I tried to update the firmware (from FFS06 to FFS07). I followed the instructions and used the SFDWIN program, it showed the progress of the download but when it reached the 100% it freezes. I waited an hour and then I canceled the program and restarted the computer. Since then the drive haven't worked. I tried to repeat the instalation a couple of times with the same results.
Anybody can help me?

dibutz -> RE: Samsung 208f firmware update problem (8/25/2001 5:24:49 PM)

I have exactly the same problem 2x and now my warranty is over...

And don't know what happens...

Jack Fong -> RE: Samsung 208f firmware update problem (8/29/2001 4:28:13 PM)

Take it to your local Samsung rep. if you still have warranty.
They could probably flash the rom for you. You could do it youself but you wouldn't know how.
Don't think that they accept any liability for users updating firmware, because it's a "at your own risk" thing.
If they will however then do so.
Otherwise get a new burner.

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