FutureProof -> RE: ASUS + CloneCD Kills Unleashed (10/10/2002 4:33:03 PM)
Serious Sam: Second Encounter was released with 2.51.021, same as MOHAA & Renegade. I don't know what any of the official patches did, like Max Payne, for example, which went from 2.3.x to 2.4.x (+ATIP Check) with the first patch. It was .021 that knocked a *lot* of burners over. It didn't auger well with Tiger Woods USA Tour 2002 which had .020 and, as we know, blew the Plextors away. Mafia, (2.7.x), is the last SD2 version that the Lite-on seems to be able to do universally, or the Plex with AWS. The Sims Unleashed has waxed everything except DiscDump for the read. My DiscJuggler copy of Unleashed actually works everywhere unlike my CloneCD copy which fails to work in an ASUS CD-ROM (but nothing seems to work in it anyway ;)) If using a range of SD2 versions for a comprehensive test, I'd go for The Sims (1.2.x), Max Payne (2.3 pre-ATIP), something in 2.4 (+ATIP), Tiger Woods at 2.51.020, SS:SE at 2.51.021, Mafia at 2.7 and Unleashed at 2.8 These are the titles I use for testing new burners. The distinction between .020 and .021 is important and not understood well. If a burner can do .020 there's no guarantee that it can do .021 and it's the move to .021 that's important (or rather *was*). Now it's the ability to defeat Mafia *and* Unleashed, even if it's not using CloneCD