Backups (Full Version)

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SG -> Backups (9/7/2002 7:47:36 PM)

My Daughter and just got a PS2 and was told that we could backup the game, but we have no clue how to start. I was reading that I should get two things clony and clonecd. I do have a CD burnner a lite-on 24102b. Is there a place were we go to find a step by step how to backup these games. And I was told about a thing called Modchip. A little help or info would be nice Thank you

Laffin Assassin -> RE: Backups (9/7/2002 9:29:32 PM)

It is very easy to do if you just put The Cd you want to Backup in the Reader and Scan it with Clony and it will automatically pass the settings over to Clone CD then just burn the CD if you not still not sure just read the Help biult into the Clony Program or do a search on the Forum as the Question has been asked many times !!![:)]

By the way there is no need to Duplicate your Topic in another Thread one post will do so I have deleted the other two !!!

SG -> RE: Backups (9/7/2002 9:51:41 PM)

Sir What about the modchip ?

Laffin Assassin -> RE: Backups (9/7/2002 9:54:05 PM)

Oh and I nearly forgot You will need a Modchip fitted into your PS2 before you can play the games you Backup and that does Invalidate your Guarantee as you have to open the PS2 to fit them !!![:)]

SG -> RE: Backups (9/7/2002 10:43:08 PM)

Do you or anyone have a English copy of clony xxl or no where to get it? and the one I have keep telling me I don't have ASPI Layer loaded, WHY.

Laffin Assassin -> RE: Backups (9/7/2002 10:56:51 PM)

Hi Again SG
Just go to :-
and Download the English Version !!![:)]
I hope this Helps !!!

npereira -> RE: Backups (9/9/2002 10:06:31 PM)

How do you get the english language to work?

It's all german but i downloaded the English version. I dont get it!

Laffin Assassin -> RE: Backups (9/10/2002 2:57:52 AM)

I don't understand why your version is German I have just downloaded it again to test it and mine is English ! When you were installing it I presume you chose English when it asked you which Language you wanted to use !!!

Clint -> RE: Backups (9/10/2002 10:18:44 AM)

L.A. if you use Clony to scan a PSX/2 *CD-ROM* game, it will not detect any protection, therefor, pass incorrect info - especially for Libcrypt protected PSX games. All it will say is that it's a PlayStation game, as there is no way to check wether a PSX game is protected with Libcrypt without playing it right through 'till it crashes or not, if it does it's protected and you must write in RAW DAO-96, with all subs checked in the read, with also a 96 byte subs read and check "Do Not Repair Subchannel Data" in CCD write window. Some hardware is not compliant here.

Tron -> RE: Backups (9/10/2002 12:17:26 PM)

I got a quick question for you then Clint. If you use those settings all the time with PSX games will they copy? Even if the disc is not protected? Because if that is the case then I would always use the settings to be safe....

Clint -> RE: Backups (9/11/2002 4:13:21 PM)

Yep thats what I do - Audio+Data subs full read with a full (96bytes) subs reader (just to be safe), and you write with a burner capable for writing RAW DAO-96 and always check do not repair subs data.

It's just that some hardware cannot read/write Libcrypt correctly to produce working backups, and some readers can take heaps longer to read the subs than without them...

Laffin Assassin -> RE: Backups (9/11/2002 10:20:13 PM)

Originally posted by Clint

L.A. if you use Clony to scan a PSX/2 *CD-ROM* game, it will not detect any protection, therefor, pass incorrect info - especially for Libcrypt protected PSX games. All it will say is that it's a PlayStation game, as there is no way to check wether a PSX game is protected with Libcrypt without playing it right through 'till it crashes or not, if it does it's protected and you must write in RAW DAO-96, with all subs checked in the read, with also a 96 byte subs read and check "Do Not Repair Subchannel Data" in CCD write window. Some hardware is not compliant here.

Well how come when I went to backup 2 Different PSX2 games on my 3200e (Reading and Writing)all I did is what I usually do Scan it with Clony and it found Libcrypt as soon as it had finished scanning and then copy it from the hard-drive and it works perfectly all the way through !!!

SirDavidGuy -> RE: Backups (9/12/2002 4:37:57 AM)

To get Jazcom and My's version of Clony to work, you must set it to "English" in the Language menu.

Tron -> RE: Backups (9/12/2002 5:54:41 AM)

In that version that you downloaded, you just click on Language, a drop down menu will offer you many Languages. Just select the one you wish to use.

joejoe -> RE: Backups (10/9/2002 6:59:16 PM)

I have 5 DVD drives and Clonecd tells me that is is unable to read the subchannel data on my PS2's with any of these. Please help. I have HP DVD200i, Toshiba SD-M1612, Toshiba SD-M1202, Maddog MD-ED16D, Lite-on LTD-165H.

FutureProof -> RE: Backups (10/10/2002 2:27:13 AM)

Originally posted by Clint

L.A. if you use Clony to scan a PSX/2 *CD-ROM* game, it will not detect any protection...All it will say is that it's a PlayStation game, as there is no way to check wether a PSX game is protected with Libcrypt...

...if it does it's protected and you must write in RAW DAO-96, with all subs checked in the read, with also a 96 byte subs read and check "Do Not Repair Subchannel Data" in CCD write window.
  • I tend to agree with your first point. I know what's involved to check for invalid data in the Q channel. I don't think Clony is that clever; in fact, I know it's not that clever because if you click the Kopiershutz tab and highlight "PSX/Libcrypt", the text says "ClonyXXL only detects PSX discs, not Libcrypt". So where do people get off saying that LibCrypt is detected?!
  • On the second point I've quoted. Yes you must do a 96 byte P-W write as this ensures an uncorrected sunchannel write, essential to reproduce the LibCrypt protection which is erroneous data. Checking "Do Not Repair Subchannel Data" 'forces' this 96 byte write.
  • Audio subs are not required for a PSX read, nor is a 96 byte read; the standard MMC 16 byte PQ read is all that's required i.e data subs.
I think it's time to make the point that audio subs are not essential for PSX backups. To insist otherwise or ignore the point or pass it off as harmless adds to the confusion. Audio subs actually have less to do with audio than other essential data in the subs. To state "audio subs as harmless" also ignores the advance made by SecuROM in the WC3 version, where, most Lite-on burners could not back it up if audio subs was set; my 24102B being one of those burners.

If Sony can produce similar unreliability in PSX backups with an improvement in the protection we''ll see thousands of instant coasters overnight and hundreds of "WTF?" questions about PSX

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