Bin and Cue files? (Full Version)

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monarols -> Bin and Cue files? (8/23/2002 4:04:59 AM)

Hiya all, I have CDRWin 5, and have a CD-R disc with just 2 files on it. A .bin file and a .cue file. I want to make a copy of this disc as it its part of a 3 disc set, one of which got sat on! As it is, the disk will not load up, when loading the game, as the layout of the CD I have (bin and cue) is nothing like the one that got sat on. I have looked at a tutorial on copiying the disc so it ends up back as its original layout, but the tutorial relates to an older version of CDRWin, and none of the buttons on the program interface are the same. Could some kind person point me to a more updated tutorial using CDRWin, and how to convert these files to a new disc that looked like the original.

Laffin Assassin -> RE: Bin and Cue files? (8/23/2002 8:07:14 PM)

Hi monarols
Just go to:-
and type in "CDRWin tutorial" and it will come up with hundreds !!!
I hope this Helps !!!

Laffin Assassin

The Definition of an Upgrade: Take old bugs out, put new ones in.

monarols -> RE: Bin and Cue files? (8/24/2002 3:26:45 AM)

Thanks Laffin Assassin, will try this, Cheers Chris

Laffin Assassin -> RE: Bin and Cue files? (8/24/2002 3:55:28 AM)

No Problem Chris I am only to pleased to Help !!!

Laffin Assassin

The Definition of an Upgrade: Take old bugs out, put new ones in.

Clint -> RE: Bin and Cue files? (8/24/2002 10:43:04 PM)

CDRWin 5 is a fake rip-off of Goldenhawk technology's CDRWin series...

Yuk! [:(!]

Laffin Assassin -> RE: Bin and Cue files? (8/25/2002 8:20:13 AM)

Hi Chris
Clint is right about v5 !
But if you want the new CDRWin 5.05.001 English (9.2 MB) just goto :-
I hope this Helps !!!

Clint -> RE: Bin and Cue files? (8/26/2002 6:01:22 AM)

You should support the original and the best, not try-hard rip-offs.

Go to Golden Hawk's page and get the real deal... [^]

Never use imatations, some evn say it stuffs up your systems regestry [B)]

Laffin Assassin -> RE: Bin and Cue files? (8/26/2002 6:26:25 AM)

Well I tested it before I posted the Link and it Installs and works with no problems in registery also I uninstalled it with no Problems ! Otherwise I wouldn't have posted the Link and as he is already using the V5 the Logical thing was to get an Upgrade !!![:p]

Clint -> RE: Bin and Cue files? (8/26/2002 7:47:45 AM)

Originally posted by Laffin Assassin

he is already using the V5 the Logical thing was to get an Upgrade !!![:p]

The logical thing is to use the real deal...


Laffin Assassin -> RE: Bin and Cue files? (8/26/2002 8:25:11 AM)

Yeah Whatever !!!
But v5 is Based on the core technology of CDRWIN and it is a lot more User Friendly and more Flexible than than either CDRWin V3.9A OR CDRWin 4.0A Beta the latest beta of CDRWin and that has been a Beta for a long time and they have still not released a full version it looks like they are having problems trying to keep up with new Technology especially with the new Breed of CD Writers and Copying Programs so my own opinion is that they are finished anyway unless they come up with a more up to date Program with better New Writer Support and a more User Friendly Interface ! But on saying that thousands of people still use it and if it works for them why should they change !!!

Clint -> RE: Bin and Cue files? (8/27/2002 2:39:49 AM)

Yeah, yeah. Blah, blah, blah......... [:p] [:o)] [8)]

*THE ORIGINAL AND THE BEST - Golden Hawk Technology*

Tron -> RE: Bin and Cue files? (8/27/2002 4:44:18 AM)

Now Now..... Can't we all just get along? LOL........


Clint -> RE: Bin and Cue files? (8/27/2002 4:48:14 AM)

Originally posted by Tron

Now Now..... Can't we all just get along? LOL........


We are, arn't we?!! [:p]

Laffin Assassin -> RE: Bin and Cue files? (8/27/2002 6:55:45 AM)

Hi Tron
You can always tell when he has been on the Golden Stuff (Fosters )he starts using the [:p] Icon a lot and makes mistakes in his Replies and then has a go a me and have you noticed I havn't retaliated (YET) the best thing to do is just Ignore him till he sobers up and the SMOKE clears (What sort of smoke I am not sure )!!! [:D][:D][:D][;)]

Clint -> RE: Bin and Cue files? (8/27/2002 8:41:12 AM)

Originally posted by Laffin Assassin

...and makes mistakes in his Replies and then has a go a me...

I have made no mistakes in my posts (that I'm aware of) and haven't said sh*t to you, L.A.?!! [:I]

I'm smoke free, dunno about you lately, you seem to stand "uncorrected" everywhere lately?! [:D]

Laffin Assassin -> RE: Bin and Cue files? (8/27/2002 11:21:00 AM)

Hi Clint
You Say " I have made no mistakes in my posts (that I'm aware of)"

Remember this one ""

But nobody is Perfect not even me !!![:D][:D][:D][;)]

Hey Tron
Now I have got a good Idea why Clint has been Quiet for the last few weeks. I would like to bet he has been down the Library every day !!![:D][:D][:D]
Just have a look at this :-

Only Joking Clint my Owd Mate !!![;)][:)][:p]

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