New Clone CD version out now (Full Version)

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Laffin Assassin -> New Clone CD version out now (7/17/2002 7:09:38 PM)

New Clone CD version out now

>Added RAW-SAO support for Plextor DVD-Combo drive PX-320A
>Modified online help to reflect structural "Supported Writers"
>Added Persian language
>Updated Swedish language (Done by netmans good friend good friend ljugtomten)

Get it here :-

Laffin Assassin

It's Nice to be Important!!!
But it's more Important to be NICE!!!

Edited by - Laffin Assassin on 07/17/2002 20:09:11

netman -> RE: New Clone CD version out now (7/17/2002 7:47:58 PM)

i think i'll pass. in my cave we still use i know it's archaic but i can make perfect copies of warcraft3 and neverwinter nights every time. ah, the bliss of ignorance!

i would like to note though that my good friend ljugtomten did the swedish translation. congrats mate!


Laffin Assassin -> RE: New Clone CD version out now (7/17/2002 7:58:52 PM)

Hi Fred WHOOOOOOOPS sorry netman
I have always said if it is working for you why upgrade, but after saying that I personally think that version 4 is superb but that is only me speed chasing again!!!
I am pleased your Mate did the Swedish translation it will help the Swedish people with Clone no end I will add congrats to ljugtomten also well done Mate !!!!!!!

Laffin Assassin

It's Nice to be Important!!!
But it's more Important to be NICE!!!

Laffin Assassin -> RE: New Clone CD version out now (7/17/2002 8:06:02 PM)

Just another thought netman
Can't you talk ljugtomten into doing a perfect translation of German into English of Clony XXL [:)][:)]
Although the English version of Clony XXL at :-
Is very good and a big improvement on the last translation !!!

Laffin Assassin

It's Nice to be Important!!!
But it's more Important to be NICE!!!

Tron -> RE: New Clone CD version out now (7/17/2002 11:47:33 PM)

Hey ask Wilma if you can upgrade to version 4?????

Visit too. Another great place....

netman -> RE: New Clone CD version out now (7/18/2002 4:30:11 AM)


Hey ask Wilma if you can upgrade to version 4?????

Visit too. Another great place....

oh i have it on a test computer at work. my serial number still works with any version. can't see any improvement and it's slower at reading for sure. i will admit that it's great for newbies in conjunction with clony xxl. except for the default games profile not properly copying wc3 and nwn.

oh yeah, tron. wilma has no problems if i want to upgrade. i already told her upgrades are free.


Laffin Assassin -> RE: New Clone CD version out now (7/18/2002 5:57:22 AM)

Hi netman
You Say " i will admit that it's great for newbies in conjunction with clony xxl. except for the default games profile not properly copying wc3 and nwn."

Ah but have you tried version

Laffin Assassin

It's Nice to be Important!!!
But it's more Important to be NICE!!!

Tron -> RE: New Clone CD version out now (7/18/2002 9:11:16 AM)

Don't know about WarCraft 3, but it copies NWN just fine. I can make all the 1:1 copies I want. But I only want one! lol.... And Wilma must be a heck of a woman to put up with an old fuddie Duddie like you! LOL.......

Visit too. Another great place....

Laffin Assassin -> RE: New Clone CD version out now (7/18/2002 9:31:52 AM)

Oh God someone has put netman's Credit Card details on their Website
I would inform the bank if I were you netman (Only joking Mate as usual)
Tron and Me will drag you into the 21st Century somehow won't we Tron !!!LOL

Laffin Assassin

It's Nice to be Important!!!
But it's more Important to be NICE!!!

nkwe -> RE: New Clone CD version out now (7/21/2002 10:47:17 AM)

Found the download from Elby quite slow.

Is it their site or net in general?

“Time is a lenient god. - Sophocles”

Laffin Assassin -> RE: New Clone CD version out now (7/21/2002 11:57:51 AM)

Hi nkwe
It will be the amount of heavy traffic trying to download the latest version. So try a bit later and you should have no problems

Laffin Assassin

CD-ROM ---- Consumer Device, Rendered Obsolete in Months !!!
The Definition of an Upgrade: Take old bugs out, put new ones in !!!
What do people mean when they say the computer went down on them ???

Tron -> RE: New Clone CD version out now (7/21/2002 2:08:09 PM)

I think Netman is happy in the stone age! LOL... But he is a great guy anyways, and seems to get the job done......

Visit too. Another great place....

Laffin Assassin -> RE: New Clone CD version out now (7/21/2002 2:17:28 PM)


I think Netman is happy in the stone age! LOL... But he is a great guy anyways, and seems to get the job done......

I will Second that

Laffin Assassin

CD-ROM ---- Consumer Device, Rendered Obsolete in Months !!!
The Definition of an Upgrade: Take old bugs out, put new ones in !!!
What do people mean when they say the computer went down on them ???

netman -> RE: New Clone CD version out now (7/21/2002 7:30:27 PM)

ah yes, the STONE age. what would it be like to relive the late 60s and early 70s? you know, they haven't made any decent acid since 1974. my kids didn't turn out to be deformed but some of my friends did. lol.

i live for flashbacks.


netman -> RE: New Clone CD version out now (7/21/2002 7:39:48 PM)


Just another thought netman
Can't you talk ljugtomten into doing a perfect translation of German into English of Clony XXL
you know, la, another friend of mine, a lovely lady of german descent that now lives in denmark and is very literate, did an english translation for them but for some reason they didn't use it. i think it was at the same time that olli gave them some source code to better integrate with clone. whatever the reason, it still could use a better english translation. oh, ljugtomten is swedish. his english is quite good but i don't know if he does german or not.

as most americans, i'm crippled to only one language.


Laffin Assassin -> RE: New Clone CD version out now (7/21/2002 8:10:49 PM)

Hi netman
I know the feeling Mate I suffer the same as you speaking one language. But with English being the most used Language on the Internet you would have thought by now Clony would have a perfect English version ! But the one I have put a link to on this thread is almost perfect so we will have to use it untill they do !!

Laffin Assassin

CD-ROM ---- Consumer Device, Rendered Obsolete in Months !!!
The Definition of an Upgrade: Take old bugs out, put new ones in !!!
What do people mean when they say the computer went down on them ???

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