Yet another reason why CD copy protection is... (Full Version)

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john -> Yet another reason why CD copy protection is... (6/24/2002 8:17:35 PM)

Below is an email we got from our viewer

"...We can still listen to the vinyl records our parents bought in the 50's and 60's. But the CDs we bought during the 80's are starting to self-destruct right now. That's because a printed CD has a life span of approximately 15 years. After that time the CD has lost its transparency due to oxidisation and can not be read by the laser in the CD players any more. Therefore the owners of CDs need to make backup copies of the CDs they have bought. Also they need to later on make backups of the backups they have made since "home burnt" CD-Rs only have a life span of 5-10 years. (CD-Rs with the
recording surface made of gold is said to have the longest life span and silver is said to have the second longest life span.)

Since the record industry now have started to use copy protection on the CDs they are selling they have effectively changed the "licence" for the music buyer from "buy once, listen your entire life" to "buy your entire record collection again every 15 years". But there is no mentioning of this "limited listening time licence" on the copy protected CDs being sold today and the record industry has made no effort whatsoever to inform about the self-destruct "feature" of CDs. In many countries that would make selling of copy protected CDs illegal! That is, to sell a product that has totally different properties than the majority of the customers expect without
informing the customers is fraud..."

Any comments?

Visit - The Recording Authority

Laffin Assassin -> RE: Yet another reason why CD copy protection is... (6/24/2002 9:15:08 PM)

John I totaly agree and that is why I keep saying that I have the right to back-up every CD I legally purchess. And choose what the so called Copywrite Law say's, I will continue to make back-ups for my own use untill they come out with a media that does not fall to bits after a few years (Which they won't do for a long time) and then the company expect me to buy it again to keep them in luxury!

Laffin Assassin

It's Nice to be Important!!!
But it's more Important to be NICE!!!

R00KIE -> RE: Yet another reason why CD copy protection is... (6/29/2002 5:20:52 PM)

You are damn RIGHT that's why i will BACKUP everything i can so i make sure i keep a working copy of my cds


sylynt -> RE: Yet another reason why CD copy protection is... (7/3/2002 4:10:39 AM)

so what can i use to back up copy protected discs?

Laffin Assassin -> RE: Yet another reason why CD copy protection is... (7/3/2002 4:20:12 AM)

Hi sylynt
The best program at the moment for making a back-up of your Protected CD's is Clone CD. If you go to the Clone CD section of the Forum you will be able to read a lot about it !!!

Laffin Assassin

It's Nice to be Important!!!
But it's more Important to be NICE!!!

Laffin Assassin -> RE: Yet another reason why CD copy protection is... (7/3/2002 4:28:18 AM)

And of course you need a good CD Writer and you can find out about them at :-
I hope this helps !

Laffin Assassin

It's Nice to be Important!!!
But it's more Important to be NICE!!!

Edited by - Laffin Assassin on 07/03/2002 05:57:15

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