Laffin Assassin -> RE: SAFEDISK V3 CRACKED (5/26/2002 12:13:12 PM)
Whoo throwing teddies out of cot naughty naughty Burner1000000 Clint you know and I know and everyone else who Legaly purchessed the Windows XP Pro that it did need the Activation code I wonder if he had a legal version? Burner1000000 My Reply And how would you know that? Since from your posts it is obvious that you are not intelligent enough to work for MS (they don't hire people who cannot spell correctly), your answer is pure conjecture (as most of your answers are). I gave you the reason for putting the activation code in my post, but either you could not understand it or you simply refuse to believe it! If this activation code was meant to be foolproof to cut down on piracy, why didn't they include it on XP Professional, the one that most hardcore computer geeks would want? Think! It's not that hard! 1---I don't want to work for Microsoft 2---Whoops I will have to use a speller checker like you. 3---They did include it on Windows Xp if you owned a legaly Purchessed version instead of spending the money on a spellchecker you would know this. 4---I would have thoght (oh another spelling mistake I will have to get a spell checker)that the so called hardcore computer geeks would have gone for the XP Professional *Corporate* version which is the one that does not need the code. 5---So you can spell properly(with a spell checker) write it down in a long dragged out form and even then get it Wrong Oh Dear. What is your point? Unless the people in England are more stupid than I think, those were copies of XP Professional, which did not have an activation code. 1---I have already told you The Pro version does need the code. 2---So now you are saying people in England are more stupid than you think. I agree I think we must be. Sending our Special Forces and our Marines into Afghanistan to do a job that your so called Special forces could not do but at least we will do it without shooting our own Troops. Remember the Middle East we more worried about getting shot by Yanks than Iraqies but that is what you get when you send boys to do a mans job. Enough said. Show me where in your copyright law that it states an individual can make a copy of copyrighted material for one's own personal use or is this another case like Tages where it doesn't suit your weird version of reality to bother looking at the truth. In fact, in section 17 of your copyright law, it specifically states that the right to copy is reserved to the owner of the copyright. As a buyer of a copyrighted CD, you do not own the copyright. Now, as I have stated rather clearly, no government is going to go after individuals for protecting their purchases, although these copies are illegal in the U.K. They are only interested in the big fish. However, the rest of us can get caught in that dragnet or aren't you worried about those who don't know anything about CloneCD? Sounds pretty self-centered to me. 1---It does not say it anwhere that you cannot make a back-up which is different to copy. 2---aren't you worried about those who don't know anything about CloneCD of course I am that is why I give them my advise that is based on my experiance (oh my spelling it must be this bloody microst keyboard i will have to get a spellchecker)It must have been made in the USA it trys to correct everything I type! I'm not sure what this means in English. You might try editing your posts before you submit. 1---Only because you know it is right You said "The limits of these laws are in the process of being tested in the U.S. through the courts and legislature as we write!" So I will put my reply below again Ho Ho Ho In process! So that means in about ten years it will get passed and then kicked out and then be put in again, again, again and again just like your Courts and Microsofts anti trust and the rest of your laws and even when it is done that if it is ever. I won't give a toss because your laws don't affect anyone in the UK or anywhere else in the world thank God. I will add my reply to this one as even the a perfect person like you makes mistakes if you check your posting you will see that you did not copy the whole of the quote. Oh Dear me I said "Now if you have got off your Soap Box. We don't need to do that in the UK our Members of Parliment are not in big companies Pockets. And we in the UK don't have to be worried about our right to make archival copies we can make them. You replied "Wrong again! On both counts. Your parliament and government is considered one of the most corrupt in the world! The other has already been discussed". 1---Can you remember Watergate. 2---How many more I dread to think. 3---Where do you get Your parliament and government is considered one of the most corrupt in the world! Is it us that are doing deals with Microsoft so they won't move to Ireland or Canada what a joke your Government is and you say ours are bent get a lif!(Whoops wheres the spell checker) Oh joy! To have a buffoon agree with me! Well, at least your posts are always good for a couple of laughs. Just remember, they are not laughing with you, they are laughing at you! Unfortunately, there are new people who come to the forum and they deserve good info, not the truth according to you. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I have a right to disagree with your poorly formed thought processes, if I so desire, just as much as you have a right to submit them and think them brilliant. Frankly, for you to call my post a ranting and lecture me about singled minded posts, after the BS that you post on this forum, has got to be the height of hypocrisy. 1---As for been a buffoon I am far from it but there again I am not on a Ego trip either so I don't have to proove it. 2---I didn't say I agreed with you I said I do agree with this part of your Ranting In Part and Part only. 3---I am glad you find it funny but I am very surpised that someone like you with his head so far up his own,Microsofts and his Governments arse that he has time to take it out and laugh 4---You say "Unfortunately, there are new people who come to the forum and they deserve good info, not the truth according to you. My Reply I know there are new people who come to the forum and do deserve good info and when they ask questions they expect to get them not answers that are just a Guess(I wish I had A spelling checker would you lend me yours because it looks like it is perfict)and if there is a better or easier way of doing something why not inform them that you think it is better or easier? 5---The last bit of this message I will not even bother to reply to as I cannot see the point in letting you get your spellchecker out again and boring everyone with your 20000000 to every post full of as you say BS. You say "I am through dealing with you. You are not worthy of my time. I am sure that the newcomers will figure you out as the veterans already have. It is my misfortune to have a high and abiding regard for the truth. It sometimes traps me into seeking to show other people what they do not wish to see. However, no one can make another person see anything that they do not wish to see." 1---You are through dealing with me! I very much doubt it an Ego trip chaser like you could not let me have the last word maybe for now but you cannot resist comming back and having another go at me. 2---I am not worthy of your time. Oh so you are a bloodsucking Lawyer or a US Polititian (Is that spelling right?) 3---You are sure that the newcomers will figure you out as the veterans already have. Yeah I think they will and some of them already have I have had quite a few E-mails thanking me for my help. 4---So you are a Veteran are you after registering on the 10/5/01 that makes you one does it. By the way Yanks cannot even get the Date right They have to put the Month before the Day don't they get anything right we taught them to do. 5---It is your misfortune to have a high and abiding regard for the truth. Oh You can't be a Lawyer then or a American Polititian I take it back what I said about them. 6---It sometimes traps you into seeking to show other people what they do not wish to see. Are you sure you are not a Lawyer? 7---However, no one can make another person see anything that they do not wish to see. No Your not a Lawyer I believe they can do that. You say "P. S. Actually, most people of Jewish origin do want to be reminded and they want other people to be reminded, also. So that it may never occur again! However, that logic would not occur to you." 1--- I will not even reply to this it is only dragging it up I have made my fellings quite clear in the past post 2--- However, that logic would not occur to me? What logic there is no Logic about that. 3--- And the most importent one not on this Forum it is meant for CDR-INFO!!!!!!!! I do appologise to any other of our USA friends and I have quite a few, it is just the attitude of this Ego Chaser I am having a dig at. And I am sure you will see another 2000000 word Reply. Laffin Assassin It's Nice to be Importent But is more importent to be NICE!!! Edited by - Laffin Assassin on 05/26/2002 13:05:01