burner1000000 -> RE: WOOOHOOO I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!! (3/3/2002 2:13:14 PM)
I have nothing to do with cdmate or cloneCD, except that I own a registered copy of both. I own several 24x plexs and one 40x plex. The plexs generally have no difficulty with copying the older version of SD2. The newest versions, however, have presented a challenge for many burners. I can make copies that work very well in the Lite-on LTD-163, but sometimes not even in the original plex itself. Others, however, have had very good success with plexs and other burners, as netman has pointed out. Again all of this has been documented on this web site and others, such as CD Freaks. As has been pointed out many times, SD2v2.5xxx is very weird. I think given enough time and a product such as CD Mate, this can be overcome. However, I must add if the only reason that you buy a CDRW is to copy protected games, then you are a fool, indeed. For copy protection will always progress at a rate faster than the copying business can keep up with. That's only fair as copies for any purpose other than archival are illegal in practically every country in the world - not to mention - scummy. Oh, on a tangent, your previous post that some TLAs of the plex 12x would do SD2 and some would not has been disproven so many times that it is not funny. Do a search of the web and you will find actual testing done on the different TLAs for both the 12x and 24x with no appreciable difference. Unlike John, however, I do think that some firmwares can have a positive or negative effect on this. Experimentation may correct this. In summary, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing, which is obvious from some of the posts on this and other forums.