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Questionbird -> WOOOHOOO I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!! (2/28/2002 4:03:31 PM)

I have backed up Civilizations 3. I believe it ALSO reads the ATPI.

I used the SD2 settings again, max read/write, with my liteon 24x10x40 (model 2b).

At first it would work, so i reboooted into other OS XPhome, and enabled mey HIDECDR in CLONECD and it installed on diffdrive and ran fine. so i will check it from another CDrom unit ASAP and post back.

cdmate -> RE: WOOOHOOO I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!! (3/2/2002 5:09:11 AM)

Hide media driver should hopefully be completed within 4 weeks, all being well!
Check out the database, as registered users get to try the new S.A.M options which will help non efm supported writers backup any game.
Only available in and first tests in are very good.


KenL -> RE: WOOOHOOO I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!! (3/2/2002 8:14:02 AM)

I think you are saying that CD Mate will backup the new SD2 games with the setting from their database?

I used to have a Plextor 24x and this program, CD Mate did not work for me at all. I sent them log files and nothing. I now have a Liteon 40x and even though I bought CD Mate some time agao, I have not been using it because of my prior bad experiences with it and in fact uninstalled it. BUT, I am willing and anxious to try it again if there is some indications that it will work for me to copy with the Liteon 40x. As you may know it can do EMF recording. I did not understand your- Questionbird statement where it was said "At first it would work, so i reboooted into other OS XPhome, and enabled mey HIDECDR in CLONECD and it installed on diffdrive and ran fine. so i will check it from another CDrom unit ASAP and post back."

So, can I use my Liteon 40x to copy the new SD2 games with CD Mate? I have a Toshiba DVD to play it back. If so what are the settings...the default ones from CD Mate?

Questionbird -> RE: WOOOHOOO I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!! (3/2/2002 11:09:35 AM)

As CDMATE has said on the cd-mate.com forums, right now liteon 24b seems to be the burner that has the least difficulty with SD2v2.5xxx

and there goal is to make CDMATE, i guess the word is compensate, for what there burner cannot do.

And also i have read numerous topics here, and @ cdfreaks.com that their plex have copied the SD2v2.5 with out problems by reading with NOTHING CHECKED and at least some of them burning with nothing check in clonecd.

KenL -> RE: WOOOHOOO I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!! (3/2/2002 12:10:59 PM)

I don't think the Plextor's work for SD2.51 through the majority of postings I have seen and if they do it seems only in the recorder they are burned with. I know that there are claimed exceptions but I think the Board Administrators mostly aggree that it not not copyable with a Plextor. I would like to know about the Liteon 40x. I just ordered an SD2.51 protected game so I wil find out one way or the other soon but I would also like to know the settings for the Liteon with CD Mate. Or is it the deafault settings in CD Mate?

burner1000000 -> RE: WOOOHOOO I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!! (3/2/2002 11:54:12 PM)

You might try checking a little more before you make an uninformed remark, KenL, but that doesn't seem to be your style. Questionbird gave you some sources (cdfreaks.com and here) that indicate that the plex can copy SD2v2.5xxx with atypical settings. Check it out or are you just going to whine like you did during your plextor thread?

KenL -> RE: WOOOHOOO I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!! (3/3/2002 3:24:53 AM)

Do you have anything to do with CD Mate? Regardless, do you have a Plextor? Mine (I have had the Plextor 12x, the 24x and the 40x)and I still have the 24x and the 40x) could never copy the older SD2 and I have contacted the CD Mate people and they were still working on it the last time I heard from them. Now anything is possible, can you post your succeesful settings?

netman -> RE: WOOOHOOO I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!! (3/3/2002 8:15:44 AM)

hi ken, the liteon 24x and 32x will copy sd2 2.51 using the usual sd2 settings in clone and in cd mate. i have read reports that the 40x has also done this using clone and i would assume that cd mate will do the same. there are no special settings for sd2 2.51, just the usual for sd2 with the liteon drives. it would be a big help if you were to load the latest cd mate and test it for all of us using cd mate. if this release doesn't support the new 40x drives yet then it will very soon.

as cdmate says the efm thing is in the current beta versions and will hit the streets soon. i've had success with it myself so far using a mitsumi 4805. that drive wouldn't do a good mohaa but i couldn't get one with clone either.

as far as burner's comments about the atypical setting i have also had some success with a philips 8x and a plex 12x. 2.51 is a very quirky protection indeed.


burner1000000 -> RE: WOOOHOOO I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!! (3/3/2002 2:13:14 PM)

I have nothing to do with cdmate or cloneCD, except that I own a registered copy of both.

I own several 24x plexs and one 40x plex. The plexs generally have no difficulty with copying the older version of SD2. The newest versions, however, have presented a challenge for many burners. I can make copies that work very well in the Lite-on LTD-163, but sometimes not even in the original plex itself. Others, however, have had very good success with plexs and other burners, as netman has pointed out.

Again all of this has been documented on this web site and others, such as CD Freaks.

As has been pointed out many times, SD2v2.5xxx is very weird. I think given enough time and a product such as CD Mate, this can be overcome. However, I must add if the only reason that you buy a CDRW is to copy protected games, then you are a fool, indeed. For copy protection will always progress at a rate faster than the copying business can keep up with. That's only fair as copies for any purpose other than archival are illegal in practically every country in the world - not to mention - scummy.

Oh, on a tangent, your previous post that some TLAs of the plex 12x would do SD2 and some would not has been disproven so many times that it is not funny. Do a search of the web and you will find actual testing done on the different TLAs for both the 12x and 24x with no appreciable difference.

Unlike John, however, I do think that some firmwares can have a positive or negative effect on this. Experimentation may correct this.

In summary, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing, which is obvious from some of the posts on this and other forums.

Questionbird -> RE: WOOOHOOO I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!! (3/3/2002 4:35:36 PM)

It is amazing how quickly this has become a War on sd2 and Plex.

Plex is a very good well established company who i believe are the only company to use real metal gears. So people faour yahama because they have big buffers, but the only reason i did get a liteon, was the price @ 129$ CDN, and i have read and heard good things about the drive. I enjoy making a full CD in under 4min. I made an SVCD where the Mpeg was 795 mb and burned it to my 80min cd in 3m32sec. it is great.

I also hear that CDMATE is looking into the burning of SVCD and VCD. I know the can Duplicate them cause it is in the wizard.

Questionbird -> RE: WOOOHOOO I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!! (3/3/2002 4:35:38 PM)

It is amazing how quickly this has become a War on sd2 and Plex.

Plex is a very good well established company who i believe are the only company to use real metal gears. So people faour yahama because they have big buffers, but the only reason i did get a liteon, was the price @ 129$ CDN, and i have read and heard good things about the drive. I enjoy making a full CD in under 4min. I made an SVCD where the Mpeg was 795 mb and burned it to my 80min cd in 3m32sec. it is great.

I also hear that CDMATE is looking into the burning of SVCD and VCD. I know the can Duplicate them cause it is in the wizard.

burner1000000 -> RE: WOOOHOOO I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!! (3/3/2002 6:28:01 PM)

Well, back to your original thoughts, questionbird, the Litey is excellent. I have a 24x, 32x and 40x Lite-on burner and I love them just as much as the plex. They're both great!

Peace to all! Buy what you like and what works for you.

cdmate -> RE: WOOOHOOO I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!! (3/5/2002 4:02:18 AM)

There is something slightly different between a backup using a liteon and a plextor, but as long as you are hiding the media, both drives should work fine, but the liteon does have the better results for playing backups in different readers!
This will be looked at.
Hopefully vcd in cd mate will be implemented within 14 days, for very good reasons as im sure you will soon discover ;)

burner1000000 -> RE: WOOOHOOO I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!! (3/5/2002 10:48:18 PM)

How do you hide the media in CDMate? I can't find out from the manual.

cdmate -> RE: WOOOHOOO I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!! (3/6/2002 3:35:41 AM)

You cant YET!
Development are making a hide media driver at the moment for you to hook up to, but it wont be available for another few weeks.

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